1) Most, if not all, new cars are loaded with wireless radiation-emitting devices, including bluetooth and cell phone connections just to name a couple, whether you want them or not. As well, efforts to eliminate gasoline-powered cars result in many electric or hybrid cars which have high electro-magnetic fields which are impossible to escape. We should try to get RF and EMF readings from various cars and inform customers, politicians, etc. about the dangers in new cars. Let’s not protect the environment while endangering ourselves and families.
I will try to find instructions for taking measurements in hopes that we can gather as much info as possible.
Note: what is being measured and is the subject of the lawsuit is not radiation like that from cell phones but electro-magnetic fields like dirty electricity from smeters and transformers in electrical devices.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Nissan being sued for electromagnetic radiation emitted from electric “LEAF” vehicle
“A Georgia man has filed a lawsuit against Nissan accusing the automaker of “permanently damaging his health” and “destroying his family and career.”
What did Nissan do, exactly? According to the plaintiff, the company’s “green” LEAF vehicle emitted so much electromagnetic radiation that it caused him to develop lifelong health problems….
“Safe” levels of EMF are considered to be 2 mG (milligauss) or less. However, the 2015 Nissan LEAF, according to the lawsuit, emits EMF at the following levels:
• Driver’s floor – up to 9.2 mG, Top of the seat – up to 5.3 mG
• Passenger floor – up to 13.1 mG, Top of the seat – up to 4.9 mG
• Back row floor – up to 31.3 mG, Top of the seat – up to 4.5 mG
• Back row / top of the elevated floor panel at the center of the vehicle – up to 12.6 mG”
2) Dr. Timothy Schoechle who, along with Dr. Martin Pall, gave several presentations in BC a couple of years ago about importance of wired communities, preferably fiber optic cables, instead of wireless. In this paper, he speaks to the currently understated value of solar if the climate crisis we’re facing is to be confronted.
“The Summer issue of Solar Today is now out and contains my article “Hidden in Plain Sight”, a Review and Commentary of the Joule technical paper (May 19, 2021), “Solar photovoltaics is ready to power a sustainable future” (pp 24-28). Attached (see the link below) is a copy of my article. The Joule paper I reviewed can be found at <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2021.03.005>”
“This paper resulted from input associated with the ‘‘100% renewable energies’’ session at the 47th IEEE PVSC Conference, June 2020. The article lists twelve authors from universities, research institutes, governmental and non-governmental organizations around the world, including the lead author Professor Dr. Marta Victoria of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Aarhus University, Denmark.
The central thesis of the paper is that the models and scenarios used by climate policy analysts, known as “integrated assessment models” (IAMs) understate both the reality and potential of solar PV to deal with the climate crisis.”
3) Vienna is the new Havana for USA, and perhaps, Canadian diplomats. Suspected cause is now directed energy attacks, primarily to the neurological system. See front page of our website for more info:
U.S. probes health incidents among diplomats in Vienna similar to ‘Havana Syndrome
“The Biden administration is investigating a recent rash of mysterious health incidents reported by American diplomats and other government employees in Vienna, U.S. officials said Friday.
Some of the symptoms are similar to those first reported by U.S. diplomats and spies in Havana in 2016 and 2017 for which no definitive cause has yet been determined, according to the officials.
Five Canadian diplomats and members of their families also fell victim to the mysterious health complaints, which included headaches, dizziness and cognitive problems, while posted to Cuba.”
4) Some levity from one of our members.
“Here’s an excellent video, with a great sense of humour while it imparts very important messages (about wireless/emf/5G/etc.)
Put on your dancing shoes, and be prepared to have a good, and much needed, laugh! 🙂
And spread the word! People may be willing to listen to the inconvenient science, because the video is so much fun (and gets the “mojo” going!)”
No Amount of Evidence (will ever persuade an idiot) – Conspiracy Music Guru –YouTube (7:30 min.)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt