1) During this hot dry season, it is especially relevant and concerning that more and more communities have multiple cell towers, often in areas with dry grass and trees. Many cell tower fires have occurred and Katie Singer has listed many of them on the website provided at the end of her letter, below. Are the telecoms held liable for the damage done and costs incurred? Or are these fire hazards, like smeters, hidden from the public? Communities need to be aware of this hazard and take precautions, such as having bare soil under and around cell towers.
2) Another article by Patricia Burke about 5G. Many people equate the internet with Wi-Fi, and not just young people. I’ve suggested to people that they turn off the wireless access on their computer and modem and use an ethernet cable instead only to get this plea — “but I need the internet.” The industry has conned people into believing this just as they have made them believe they need all of the wireless gadgets to which they’ve become addicted. Odd how even older people forget the world before the internet, cell phones and, even, facebook.
Independence Day 5G: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To 5G, Warfare, And Battlefield Injuries
“Did you hear the joke about how the people were told that surveillance-capable 5G is necessary for telehealth and remote surgery? But the U.S. military is not even buying it?
(This is the second in a series of articles coinciding with Independence Day in the U.S. We are looking at themes related to industry vs. non-industry science, captured regulators, and other issues around the topics of independence and interdependence, regarding involuntary, ubiquitous EMF/RF and 5G exposures. Thank you for reading.)
Many products designed for the battlefield have subsequently been developed into consumer products, for better or for worse; for example, leaf blowers, and margarine. The 5G/wireless industry has been riding strong on the coattails of covid, climate, and necessary defense and militarization. Several popular belief systems have emerged as the result of the pandemic lockdowns.”
Independence Day 5G: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to 5G, Warfare, and Battlefield injuries
3) We have become all too aware that the digital world is vulnerable to hacking and cyberattacks. But things are likely to get worse in the world of the internet of things, such as more than a million kilometers of under sea cable which carries vast amounts of data, more than a quarter of which China’s Huawei built or has repaired.
(click on photos to enlarge)

The Real-Life Risks of Our Digital World
“Despite our overwhelming reliance on them, cellular networks are virtually impossible to protect from hacking, and few carriers have the practical means to defend themselves. Most data traffic is unencrypted, and the systems that power the networks are unable to distinguish between legitimate and malicious commands. This is because the underlying protocol for most systems is outdated, which means systems can be easily breached. (The black market is rife with offers.) There are also devices that can simulate cell towers—known as IMSI catchers or Stingrays—that can ensnare unsuspecting users by intercepting or eavesdropping on calls….
One way to more safely navigate a rapidly digitalizing world is by mapping it out in a way that is actionable—and quantifying what’s at risk. By illuminating the interdependencies and vulnerabilities across physical and digital infrastructures and supply chains, maps can help governments, businesses, and civil societies bolster their defenses. In a world where digital devices are easily infiltrated, manipulated, and weaponized, awareness is essential. It is only by better understanding the risk that we can more readily reduce it.

From: Katie Singer (name given with permission)
To: “citizensforsafertech” <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2021 9:21:07 AM
Subject: Cell Site Protocol
Cell Site Protocol
for use at any hearing regarding telecom equipment
by Katie Singer
Around 1750 B.C., Babylon’s King Hammurabi wrote a code to protect people from new technologies’ hazards, and to hold builders liable for any harms caused by their projects.
Hammurabi’s principles still stand. Before any condo, bridge, water treatment facility, electrical system, highway or cell site goes live, the corporation that builds it has a duty to ensure that the technology will not imperil life, health or property. State-credentialed subject-matter experts—state-licensed professional engineers (PEs)—evaluate and mitigate hazards within their discipline. A professional engineer assumes full responsibility for a project’s design with his or her seal. If a building’ collapses because of its design, the PE is liable. If a builder doesn’t follow correct design, the builder holds liability.
All cellular sites are electrical equipment. The National Fire Protection Association recognizes five hazards associated with using electricity: electrical contact, thermal effects, overcurrent, fault current and overvoltage. During a cell site’s design, to ensure that the new project will not imperil life, health or property, a state-licensed professional electrical engineer must evaluate each hazard and certify that it has been mitigated. A state-licensed professional structural engineer must certify the structural integrity of each pole that holds telecom equipment. Only with PE-certified documents may a municipality legitimately issue a building permit.
Before permitting installation of any new cell sites in NAME YOUR CITY OR COUNTY, to protect health, life and property from cell sites’ potential fire hazards, collapses and other hazards, we require comprehensive documentation prepared under the responsible charge of and certified by a state-licensed professional engineer demonstrating that hazards at each cell site have been evaluated and mitigated.
To manage their liability, every property owner (a municipality, corporation or homeowner whose property holds the cell site) has a duty to require that telecom corporations provide sealed engineering documents demonstrating that the hazards have been mitigated. Sealed engineering documents prove that the property owner has not been negligent.
To view cell towers that have collapsed and/or caught fire, visit:
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Progress was all right. Only it went on too long.” James Thurber