1) Shaw seems to be providing unpredictable and unpredictably bad service as far as the internet is concerned. Once again many people did not receive last night’s update, and I am sorry. There were no “bounce backs” so I had no way of knowing. When I send updates out, late at night, occasionally things are very slow. I always send them to 2 of my email accounts. One received it, the other didn’t — I assumed it was just slow. Anyway, whenever you don’t get an update and wonder if I did send one, go to:
Here is last night‘s:
https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-07-09-effects-of-rf-on-flora-and-fauna/ Every night I post the update on our website under “Newsletters” immediately after finishing the mailing.
Complaints to Shaw always result in the same response (if I manage to get through), “check with the recipient to see if they have a spam filter”. They do not consider that they have any problems — it’s always our problem.
2) Telus is approaching companies throughout BC (and probably elsewhere)with financial incentives to allow Telus to install microcells on their property/buildings. Please see the letter below that was sent by a company acting on Telus’s behalf, kind of like Planetworks finds sites for cell towers. Notice that one of the selling points is that the microcells are less “invasive” than cell towers. They are Not when we’re talking health!! Not everyone knows how dangerous this radiation is. Might the “landlords” be liable for health problems suffered by their neighbours or workers?
Click to access TELUS-Small-Cell-Introduction-PowerPoint-Presentation-for-Businesses-2021.pdf
3) With all of the studies showing 2G, 3G, and 4G devices emit microwave radiation that can cause harm to all living things, why is 5G being allowed to cause even more harm with the exponential increase in devices and resultant EMF?
(click on photos to enlarge)

Independence Day 5G ICNIRP – Flying Blind, No Brakes? No Guardrails? No Seatbelts? No Health Codes? No Scrutiny? No Environmental Research?
“Let me be blunt, in the midst of deployment of the 5G, when technology is rushed into planet’s living environment, when the telecom industry is forcing governments to get regulations that will further ease 5G deployment, we suddenly (?) realize that we know nothing about 5G impact on planet’s life.
That, if fire strikes, we have no clue how to extinguish it. That we are flying blind and hoping (!) that we do not hit something.
Am I exaggerating or is [t]here an aura of INSANITY in the air?”
4) An initiative that would have set a significant precedent died in Switzerland just short of reaching its goal of 100,000 signatures. Hopefully, another jurisdiction will give it a try. It’s time that corporations were held liable for the harm done by their wireless products.
Swiss anti-5G initiative fails to reach enough signatures
“To launch a referendum in Switzerland, organisers must collect 100,000 signatures within 18 months. The organisers of an initiative aimed at making telecommunication companies legally responsible for any damage caused by mobile phone technology managed to collect only 92,000 signatures by the 3 July 2021 deadline, 8,000 short of the 100,000 signatures required for a popular vote, according to ATS-Keystone….
The initiative aimed to make telecommunications companies legally responsible for any material or bodily damages resulting from the installation or use of any devices emitting or receiving wireless signals. In addition, it wanted the burden of proof to fall on the company to prove their equipment had not caused the damage ”
5) A Fourth of July banner from one of our US members, along with some ideas she has re. Wi-Fi.
Click to access Better-Safe-than-Sorry-Banner-by-Safe-School-Tech-July-04.pdf

“TELUS would like to improve the wireless coverage to in your area for yourselves, customers and surrounding area to ensure a high level of service is maintained. Please see attached a simple link presentation highlighting small cell boxes, which is a lot less invasive than a cell tower. They provide coverage and data capacity to the immediate area around the property which acts essentially as a service upgrade to your building.
Generally TELUS is looking for the following:
Term: 20 year agreement.
Compensation – This could either be an annual payment or a lump sum, please see below:
One-Time Payment: $7,500 for each 10 year term “or”
Annual Fee: $1,000 per annum with the rent increased by 10% every 5 year term.
Equipment Requirements: TELUS can install up to 4 small cell boxes.
This is a very straight forward installation that requires minimal power and a fibre connection. TELUS will pay for its power consumption via an annual payment of approximately $200 per annum, their power requirement is small and they only require a 15 AMP breaker.
We plan to be in the area in the next few weeks to visit interested Landlords throughout BC and we could do a site visit at your property as well to assess the feasibility and look at potential locations which would work for yourselves and TELUS.
Please let me know should you have any questions.
Thank you very much and look forward to hearing from you!”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” Buddha