1) We know that fiber optic cable is being installed as part of the 5G infrastructure. Actually, it is the backbone of the 5G grid because it carries the data to the microcell which is then sent to homes via wireless transmissions. This article misses the health issue entirely but does provide some interesting comparisons between FOC and 5G which could be useful in discussions.
5G vs fiber optic | Will 5G replace fiber or exist together
“As we know 5G stands for fifth generation cellular wireless technology designed to support fixed and mobile connections at high throughput. The main purpose is to provide data transfer at high speed. The other previous cellular technologies are 2G (GSM), 3G (CDMA) and 4G (LTE). These wireless technologies need backhaul connectivity in order to carry voice and data traffic in huge bandwidth.
The above backhaul connectivity need of cellular technologies are fulfilled by three major mediums which include copper, fiber and microwave. Copper lines are costlier and have limited capacity. Microwave is used in about 50% of total backhaul network deployments across the world. Microwave link helps to connect two sites which are in LOS (Line of Sight) to each other and where laying cable is impossible or difficult. Optical fiber lines are replacing copper lines due to its high bandwidth and interference immune characteristics in wired connections.”
2) Another interesting newsletter from Arthur Firstenberg.
“Eating and breathing are the fundamental requirements of life. But the energy for life also requires combustion: the food we eat must combine with the oxygen we breathe. This combustion takes place inside our cells in tiny structures called mitochondria. And within our mitochondria are even tinier structures called electron transport chains. These are the invisible wires that carry the electrons generated by the digestion of our food to the molecules of oxygen supplied by our lungs and blood. Anything that interferes with these tiny electric currents interferes with life.
Wireless technology, by bombarding our cells with complex, pulsed, modulated electromagnetic fields, plays havoc with these currents of life. The whole process of eating, breathing, digesting, and producing energy — the process of living — slows down. We are seeing the consequences everywhere.”
Click to access Interfering-with-the-Fires-of-Life.pdf
3) The C4ST Community Meetings provide a great opportunity to discuss topics of interest with others across Canada in an effort to build a strong network of people concerned with EMR, 5G, our health and our environment.
You are invited to a C4ST Community Meeting via Zoom
Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Eastern Time 6:30 Central Time July 7th, 2021
Link is under my signature.
Co-hosts: Marg Friesen and Frank Clegg
~ 1. Digital Phones – Another Emerging Issue
~ 2. CALL TO ACTION: Why we should write to our MPs to help protect Canada’s birds, bees & trees by having EMFs (electromagnetic fields) added to the revised Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). EMFs include emissions from cell tower antennas, power lines and ground currents
There won’t be another opportunity like this for years.
~ 3. Next C4ST Riding Representative and Riding Member meeting is Wednesday, July 14, 2021. 7:30 pm Eastern Time.
To get an “invitation” email: shelleyW@c4st.org
https://gem.godaddy.com/p/1c92921 or
4) For those of you who missed the webinar re OTARD and the new lawsuit being filed against the FCC (as I did), the video is now available. I have it on excellent authority that it is well worth watching. Remember, if this happens there, it is highly likely that it will happen here, too.
(click on photos to enlarge)

CHD Brief in OTARD Case Filed – Webinar and Q&A Session
“On Wednesday, June 23, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) filed its main brief in its case against the FCC’s “Over-the-Air Reception Devices” (OTARD) Rule Amendment. The case itself was filed on February 2, 2021, in the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.
On Wednesday, June 30, at 11:30 a.m. PT/2:30 p.m. ET, CHD held an informational Question and Answer session to discuss the brief’s submission.
Attorneys Dafna Tachover, CHD Director of its 5G and Wireless Harms Project, discussed the brief with Scott McCollough, CHD’s lead attorney for this case.”
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/webinar/chd-brief-in-otard-case-filed-webinar-and-qa-session/ (video is 1:26 hours)

From: “Safetecinschools”
To: “educ minister” <educ.minister@gov.bc.ca>
Sent: June 27, 2021
Subject: Letter #13 Dear BC Minister why won’t you follow the lead of other countries that have banned the use of cell phones in the classrooms?
Dear BC Minister of Education, Jennifer Whiteside,
– Did you know cell phones are emitting microwave radiation 4 – 11 times over the current Safety Code 6 guidelines?
– Did you know Canada’s department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, ISED, has refused to protect the public by enforcing the guidelines and taking immediate action to recall these cell phones?
– Did you know that a new study warns that the iPhone 12 presents a significant health risk by causing electromagnetic interference with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs), which include pacemakers and defibrillators?
– Did you know thousands of innocent children are pressing cell phones against their heads, holding them against their reproductive organs and other vital organs, and storing them in their pockets?
– Did you know there is a list of countries that have banned cell phones in the classroom?
– Did you know cell phones and wireless devices could be equipped TODAY with updated software that stops cell phones from emitting microwave radiation when positioned against the body?
– Did you know that using an adapter; an Ethernet cable and putting your cell phone on airplane mode you can access the Internet without exposing yourself to microwave radiation?
– Did you know the amount of microwave radiation that our ancestors were exposed to was about 100 million million times less than what we are exposed to now—100 million million times less than?
– Did you know medical experts are seeing a dramatic increase in brain tumors in the three areas of the brain that get the most radiation from cell phones: frontal lobe, temporal lobe, and cerebellum?
– Did you know the Italian Supreme court has already ruled that cell phones can cause brain cancer?
Our question is: Why won’t you follow the lead of other countries that have banned the use of cell phones in the classrooms?
Janis Hoffmann (name given with permission)
Parents for Safe Schools
Revelation of the Chicago Tribune on the tests of the most popular cell phones
The flaws in the control of mobile phones by European and international authorities
New MagSafe Health Concerns Flagged For iPhone 12 Users With CIEDs
https://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2021/06/08/apple-iphone-12-pro-max-magsafe-health-warning-pacemaker-cied-new-iphone-update/?sh=380e5fac7ce7 https://ehtrust.org/eht-recommended-products/
Schools are Banning Cell Phones in the Classroom
How to share a wired connection using Android
Letters #1- 12 – http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” Benjamin Franklin