1) From Dr. Hardell who continues to draw attention to ICNIRP’s members who belong to every expert panel and influence the recommendations based on ICNIRP’s theory that harm occurs from RF radiation only once heating occurs. Dr. Hardell is not afraid to call a lie a lie, to call the ICNIRP “experts” the scam artists they are. He is taking the Netherlands Health Council to task for failing in its responsibility, even though it seems to acknowledge some biological risks.. Dr. Hardell gives example after example of studies ignored or misrepresented by ICNIRP’s cronies — yet Health Canada, the FCC, the Netherlands Health Council, and other agencies will quote ICNIRP and follow their guidelines without shame or consequence.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Health Council of the Netherlands and evaluation of the fifth generation, 5G, for wireless communication and cancer risks
“In contrast to that as a general rule, ICNIRP, WHO, SSM, and SCENIHR have for many years dismissed available studies showing harmful effects from nonthermal RF radiation exposure and have based their conclusions mainly on studies showing no effects. Thereby results showing health hazards are criticized or not even cited in contrast to studies showing no risks that are accepted as evidence of no risk in spite of severe methodological problems. Many of the statements by these agencies are misleading and not correct. They are easily rebutted by reading the relevant publications. In fact, an Italian court ruling linked mobile phone use to tumors already in 2012. Also, later court rulings in Italy have come to the same conclusion.
These ICNIRP cartel dominated expert groups consequently reach similar conclusions that there are no health effects below ICNIRP guidelines. Scientists with opinions that there is increasing evidence of health risks below the ICNIRP guidelines, e.g., as expressed in the EMF Scientists Appeal, are not invited to expert groups at the WHO, the EU (SCENIHR), the SSM, or ICNIRP. Table 1 clearly illustrates that few persons constitute different groups aimed at preventing hazards and risks to the health and the environment. The ICNIRP view is thereby influencing these expert reports, which also formed the basis for this Health Council report in the Netherlands….
However, it is unacceptable that there is scanty research being performed on the risks or hazards from the new 5G technology and the new frequencies that will be used. This means an experiment on human health and the environment that should not be accepted. Thus informed consent would be needed from each involuntary exposed person.”
Hardell L. Health Council of the Netherlands and evaluation of the fifth generation, 5G, for wireless communication and cancer risks. World J Clin Oncol 2021; 12(6): 393-403 [PMID: 34189065 DOI: 10.5306/wjco.v12.i6.393]
2) There always seems to be some new device about which we need to learn more and to be concerned. Currently, many members are being harassed by Telus which is demanding access to their home to install digital phones to replace the dependable and safe copper cable landline. Telus says it is no longer maintaining the copper line and is insisting that digital service be installed. Apparently, this is occurring across Canada to Bell customers, too. I don’t know why this is happening but I suspect it has something to do with 5G.
One member told me he had been threatened with loss of service if he refused to allow Telus to enter his home and “do work” for as long as 2 hours. No explanation of what the work would be. Another member told me of what occurred in one home, which was very very similar to what I experienced a few years ago and shared in an update [1) – http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-04-13-copper-cable-landlines-are-available/]. Telus did not tell me it was installing a digital phone. Instead, Telus said that it was offering free fiber optic cable service for the internet and cable services. I demanded and got my copper cable landline back but now they are telling me it will not be maintained.
“A couple weeks ago, I visited friends in Qualicum Beach who had one of Telus’s modems inside the corner of the garage. When the unit was installed by the Telus technician, my friends insisted repeatedly that they would not accept a wireless, radiating device. The Telus man assured them that the modem did not emit any kind of radiation. He lied!!!!!
I took several RF readings and, lo and behold, the device emitted very strong RF throughout the entire home. Telus installed a Dual WiFi Modem, 2.4 and 5 GHz, without telling them! The lady of the home was very upset and shaken, that they were lied to by Telus as her husband, who was always well, suddenly developed heart issues this last year.
They called Telus and demanded to have this fixed. The Telus engineer, she spoke to on the phone, told her that they could switch one transmitter off (5 GHz) and only use the 2.4 GHz transmitter. Since I was part of the conversation through another phone, I told them that this is not good enough and it must be completely removed. The engineer on the other end of the phone was frustrated and attempted to persuade them to go with the 2.4 GHz transmitter.
Since my friends trusted me, they told the engineer, if you don’t do as we request, we will cancel Telus. He relented and promised to send a technician to make the corrections. My friends told him that I will check with my instruments if the modem is shut off or not.
Last Friday, Telus made the changes and my friend from Port Alberni was so kind to be there with his RF meter, early in the morning, when the technician arrived. Good news! No more radiation!
The router was linked to their TV, which they did not know. Telus hardwired the TV as they requested.
Update: The couple sleeps much better, and longer, and feel much better.
Telus is engaging in lies, fraud and public deception to advance their corporate objectives. I was there!”
3) This update goes to people across Canada and beyond. I know that homes in Manitoba still have analog electric meters. Please tell me if you know other provinces where analogs are used or where people are allowed to keep their analogs. Email me at:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “analogs” on the subject line.
It also would be interesting to know if smeters are required by law, as they are in BC via the Clean Energy Act. The only 2 provinces I have info on are BC and Quebec.
From Shelley Wright, retired Ontario teacher now devoting her time to trying to make schools safer for children and teachers, especially those who are sensitive.

Hello Everyone!
This a wonderful opportunity to provide feedback to the Education Standards Development Committee, to make Ontario schools fully accessible for students and teachers living with Electrosensitive disabilities, as well as other disabilities.
Although this public consultation is open for all students and teachers in Ontario schools who are facing disability barriers in Ontario schools, it is the perfect opportunity to provide feedback on the disability barriers that face Electrosensitive students (and teachers).
This will emphasize the need for wired technology in Ontario schools to protect sensitive students and employees.
Please pass this information on to those in your community who are living with environmentally induced disabilities such as Electromagnetic sensitivity, or other disabilities.
This feedback will be open until September 2, 2021.
Please continue sharing this information throughout the summer, so everyone has an opportunity to provide feedback with the hopes of experiencing equity into the classroom!
Thank you for your support. 🙂
Please see aodafeedback@gmail.com
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance Update
United for a Barrier-Free Society for All People with Disabilities
Web: www.aodaalliance.org Email: aodafeedback@gmail.com Twitter: @aodaalliance Facebook: www.facebook.com/aodaalliance/
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Profit is sweet, even if it comes from deception.” Sophocles