1) For those who were unable to watch the Ecojustice webinar live, the video is now available. The discussion revolves around CEPA and Bill C28. One of the major issues to me is that the list of toxic substances, which this Bill is aimed at reducing/regulating, excludes EMF. Panel members include an environmental lawyer and an MD who is the Toxic Campaign Director for CAPE, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment. She could be someone who, along with other environmental advocates, might be able to help include EMF as an environmental toxin.
Webinar: The right to a healthy environment
Why now is Canada’s time to act
https://ecojustice.ca/webinars/the-right-to-a-healthy-environment/ (1:06 hours)
2) Amending of CEPA could be a chance to include EMF, re. our health and that of wildlife and the environment, that will not come again for a long time. Both Ecojustice and the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) are attempting to make CEPA as strong as possible. This webinar provides an opportunity to ask CELA about EMF and, if needed, to educate them about the effects of the proliferation of microwave/milliwave radiation.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Perspectives on Bill C-28 and the proposed changes to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)
The Canadian Environmental Law Association and Nature Canada invite you to a webinar for civil society.
Date: Thursday July 8, 2021
Time: 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time); 2:00 p.m. (Atlantic Time); 10:00 a.m. (Pacific Time) (length 1 hr 15 mins)
Registration is required
3) Despite concerns about privacy, cybersecurity, and health, another major corporation announces an Internet of Things network in 36 major US cities. I see nothing about this being part of the 5G grid, but it is replacing older technology, e.g. 2G and 3G. Also monetizing “smart sensors” and “monitoring tools” which sounds like it will get data from things like smeters and other “smart” devices.
Crown Castle enables Everynet’s national IoT network
“Everynet, which bills itself as the world’s largest operator for national LoRaWAN networks, announced its plans for launching a LoRaWAN IoT network in the U.S.
Everynet is using Crown Castle’s tower assets, initially targeting the top 36 metropolitan areas and key corridors across the U.S. It’s expected to go live by the end of 2021.
Everynet will be putting its infrastructure on Crown Castle’s towers, of which it has 40,000 in the U.S., as well as rooftops and other structures. The privately-held IoT company also has access to key logistics intersections, airports, seaports and interstate crossings, according to Tom Nelson, chief customer officer of Everynet….
With Crown Castle, Everynet struck a 15-year commitment, ensuring LoRaWAN customers can monetize IoT deployments like smart sensors and monitoring tools.
4) Apparently Huawei, a Chinese company that is partnered with Telus (and perhaps other telecoms) in building the 5G grid and building and installing major components such as the microcells, has been involved with cyber attacks in Canada. Many security experts have been warning, for years now, that Huawei should not have access to any infrastructure but it seems Telus (and our government) will have to learn the hard way, and probably at our expense.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Cyber Attacks Involving Huawei Devices in Canada Spiked after Meng Wanzhou Arrest
“An uncovered government report outlines hacking threats. And prescriptions that raise privacy issues.
Soon after Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver, there was a spike in sophisticated cyber attacks attributed to Huawei devices in Canada, according to a newly uncovered 2019 government report.
The report, aimed at outlining the most dangerous and actionable cyber-risks to Canadians, was commissioned by Public Safety Canada from Clairvoyance Cyber Corp. It was shared with The Tyee, Global News and the Toronto Star by the Institute of Investigative Journalism at Concordia, who acquired it via a freedom of information request.
If true, the allegation bolsters opposition to including Huawei in government contracts, including for Canada’s next generation of network technology — 5G, which will enable faster speeds and connectivity for new kinds of devices.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We don’t have to sacrifice a strong economy for a healthy environment.” Dennis Weaver