1) According to ISED policy, unless a municipality has its own cell tower siting policy, a telecom company has to inform only people living within 3 times the height of the tower. A public notice must be in the newspaper (often very easy to miss) and a public information session held. That’s it. But if a community Council has a Siting Policy, the telecom must abide by the Policy so long as it is deemed “reasonable” by ISED. Other communities across have policies and I would ask people living in such communities to forward the policies to me as examples of what other communities have done. Please email them to:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “siting policy” on the subject line.
Hopefully, a template can be provided as guidance for ones that can be presented to Councils [https://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/people]. This really is one of the most significant tools a community can have.
North Cowichan developing new cell tower policy
Public consultations and meetings will likely be part of new cell tower policy
“Any residence within a radius of 300 metres of any proposed new cell tower in North Cowichan would have to be consulted before council would consider allowing it to be constructed, staff proposed at the council meeting on June 16 as part of new policy that is being developed.
Staff are also suggesting that all applications for cell towers in the municipality would have to be determined by council, they would all require a public meeting, there would be some exemption criteria for additions to existing structures less than 15 meters, and there would be an application fee of $1,000.”
2) C4ST has provided the following information about a federal survey asking for feedback on disability inclusion.
Canadians invited to help shape Canada’s first Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Opened on June 4, 2021 and will close on August 31, 2021.
Minister Qualtrough launched on June 4th, a Disability Inclusion Action Plan that we ALL need to participate in for sure! Here is our chance to get everyone heard. If we can get even a few hundred to fill out the survey then it will certainly be noticed.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“Disability Inclusion 2021—Leaving No One Behind.“
If you are Electrosensitive, or know of someone who is, please pass this on so they can fill out this survey [https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/accessible-canada/consultation-disability-inclusion-action-plan.html]. This can improve visibility, accommodations and protection. This survey is also for Canadians living with other disabilities.
3) As part of the most recent Global 5G Protest, Marg Friesen was interviewed about cell towers, EMF, 5G.
Link to radio interview, June 18, 2021
Wooden Spoons hosted by Mary Jane Eason, Community Radio CKUW. Starts about 5 minutes in and is about 1 hour long.
Global 5G Protest Day & Winnipeg’s EMF Monitoring BRAG project.
Here is a YouTube showing the protest rally in Winnipeg. If anyone has videos or photos of their protests, please send to me at:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “5G protest” on the subject line.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-zwpq-WFX8 (29 min.)

From: “Naomi Singh & Paula Johansson” (names given with permission)
Sent: June 22, 2021
Subject: Tower Vote Postponed – Let’s Grow our Movement
Happy Summer Everyone! We hope you are keeping cool.
Important Update – the Trust is not Voting on the Rogers Channel Ridge Tower at their June Meeting
Once again – we are at the mercy of the Trust agenda package – which comes out about 10 days before the next meeting – to know when the vote will take place. It won’t be voted on at their June 29 meeting. It will likely be on the agenda for July 27th.
Rather than losing momentum, we should take advantage of this extra time and use it to get even more letters opposing this project sent to our elected representatives.
Please Help Spread the Word
1. Updated Info Cards
Please print & share these simple Info Cards and encourage others to take action. They are black and white and you will get 4 per each 8.5 x 11 inch page.
2. Petition
Print & Share this Petition (Please submit it to the Island Trust Office at 500 Lower Ganges Rd. by 4:00 pm on July 23rd.)
3. Letters to Elizabeth May, Adam Olsen & the SSI Trust
We need to give Adam Olsen and Elizabeth May a big nudge, as so far they are indifferent to our campaign.
Please Send Letters by July 23rd.
o Send This Letter to MP Elizabeth May at elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca (When you click on the link, it will be downloaded as an editable Word Document.)
o Send This Letter to MLA Adam Olsen at adam.olsen.mla@leg.bc.ca (When you click on the link, it will be downloaded as an editable Word Document.)
o And if you have not yet written the Trust – please send This Letter to: ssiinfo@islandstrust.bc.ca
4. Are you Willing to spend an evening going door to door in Channel Ridge?
We want to make sure those who live closest to the proposed tower site are educated, informed and encouraged to take action. Please let us know by June 27 if you are willing to join us as we go door-to -door to hand out info cards. The day and time we do this will be based on the availability of those who can help. A “script” will be provided.
5. Get Informed
Take 5 minutes to read THIS POWER-PACKED PRESENTATION and Learn More about why as stewards of our beautiful island we must join together to stop this Rogers Tower.
With Love,
The Team at 5G Free SaltSpring
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” Mark Twain