1) Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to all fathers who are engaged with their wives, daughters, and other loved ones in this major effort to educate/warn about the biological effects of exposure to even low levels on EMF. Here are two additional articles celebrating some of these men.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Real Men Realize Cell Towers Don’t Belong In Neighborhoods, Jeff: 5G/EMF/RF Father’s Day Stories
“Parents Against Cell Towers in Residential Areas”
“Throughout the battle with Verizon, my husband did what every amazing father would do. He researched and fought tooth and nail to allow us to keep the home we love, our children and the neighborhood children safe. He purchased an RF meter and started helping friends by do readings around their homes to show them how to reduce RF exposure for their children. In addition, he did readings at varying distances from local cell towers, he measured RF from baby monitors, cell phones, wireless headphones, WiFi, microwaves, streaming devices and shared his findings on YouTube and social media outlets to help other parents make smarter choices for their family’s health.”
Real Men Realize Cell Towers Don’t Belong in Neighborhoods, Jeff: 5G/EMF/RF Father’s Day Stories

Real Men Do Not Deny Real RF Risks — Peter S., Frank C., Louis S., Karl G., And Joel M.: 5G/EMF/RF Father’s Day
“Nowhere is the distinction between boys and men clearer than in the manufactured “debate” about the supposed safety of wireless technologies.
Real men don’t deny that man-made, militarized, microwave radio frequencies are, literally, breaking hearts, as well as brains. And neither do real scientists, researchers, and ordinary humans questioning the harmful, irrational narratives, in the face of obvious suffering and preventable harm.”
2) Experts from 9 countries will be giving presentations over 5 days, starting Monday June 21. Sorry for the late notification but I just learned about it. You must register for this meeting but all sessions are free. Full translation is possible on the main page. The instructions for accessing are available on the bottom of the page. I am assuming that the time zone will that of Rio, which is 4 hours ahead of us.
June 21st to 25th, 2021 – Electromagnetic Radiation and care for health and the environment
“From June 21 to 25, 2021, the II Brazilian Meeting on Electromagnetic Protection: Electromagnetic Radiation and care for health and the environment will be held.
This is one of the main events on the subject in Latin America and will bring together specialists from Brazil, Canada, USA, England, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay.
There will be 12 Thematic Tables with scientists and professionals from the areas of health, law, engineering, social sciences, architecture and others, the event will be 100% online and broadcast live on YouTube.”
3)I know nothing about this group but its stated purpose is laudable — identifying and fighting mis-information (false or misleading information) and dis-information (false information intended to deceive). One of our major problems is that federal and provincial health authorities, such as Health Canada, BCCDC, our provincial health officer, and Cancer Societies spread false or old information deliberately, I believe, to deceive regarding EMF. We need to research this group, its contacts, and its suggestions for dealing with these agencies. It would be great to connect with people who might be able to suggest ways to deal with these agencies and politicians who ignore our pleas for help.
I hope anyone who finds something significant on this website will share it with me — I will gather info and share if it appears this is a group with which we should connect. Send to:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Evidence for Democracy” on the subject line.
Standing up for science and smart decision-making in Canada.
“We all benefit when governments make smart policy decisions, informed by the best available evidence.
Evidence for Democracy (E4D) is the leading fact-driven, non-partisan, not-for-profit organization promoting the transparent use of evidence in government decision-making in Canada.
Through research, education and issue campaigns, we engage and empower the science community while cultivating public and political demand for evidence-based decision-making.”
Eyes on Evidence: A framework for evaluating evidence use in Canada
“While transparency in government decision making takes many forms, when it comes to the transparent use of evidence in policy, there currently exists a knowledge gap. To strengthen overall public knowledge of policymaking, we need accessible mechanisms to address evidence-use in policy. To address this, a framework for assessing how evidence informs policy, originally developed in the United Kingdom, was adapted and tested in the Canadian context. This framework assesses whether the public can find the evidence used to inform a policy, as well as how that evidence was used in the process.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” John F. Kennedy