1) A free health summit, requiring registration — notice being sent way in advance so please put it in your calendar.
The EMF Health Summit : Free Online Summit July 12-18, 2021
Join us at The EMF Health Summit to empower yourself and discover:
The EMF Health Summit is ONLINE and FREE July 12-18
– Hundreds of ways to reduce your EMF exposure
– How EMFs can affect your mental health
– The unbiased truth about 5G
– Inexpensive shielding solutions
– Holistic remedies for EMF and cellular stress
– How to protect your children at home and at school
– Detoxification steps for your body, your home
2) Katie Singer has written letter #24 which attempts to make us appreciate how much energy we use and need in our normal day. We take it for granted. But what about all the energy required to allow us to do the things we do — use the internet, have computers, get rid of junk like old computers? And what would we/will we do when we are without power for extended periods? If the power grid is hacked and goes down??
Help needed: 41 servants and counting an article about nature and technology
“A few years ago, when I began questioning what it really takes to write and publish in our digital era, I wondered about electricity’s true costs. I learned that on average, in order to light, heat and cool our homes; to refrigerate and cook food; wash and dry laundry; keep hot water available; send emails, talk on phones, watch tv and videos, write on computers and publish and read posts online, U.S. households use 1000 kiloWatt hours (kWh) of energy per month.”
3) Ann Cavoukian was Ontario’s Privacy Commissioner and as such caused privacy to become an issue of major priority, warning about wireless technology being invasive. “Privacy by Design” is an amazing document:
Dr. Cavoukian resigned over Toronto’s “Sidewalk Lab” project because of concerns for privacy of data. This should be a very interesting webinar. I believe the time is 11-12 pm ET or 8-9 am PT. Hopefully, they will discuss Amazon’s recent project “Smart neighbourhoods”.
Event: Smart Cities of Privacy
“On June 16th from 11-12 pm, Hugh O’Reilly and Ann will be participating in a webinar “Smart Cities of Privacy” where they will discuss Innovate Cities (https://www.linkedin.com/company/innovate-cities) guarantees that smart cities technologies, essential to make our cities better places to live and work in, will not come at the expense of individuals’ privacy.”
4) The videos of the January Medical Education Conference are available and medical professionals can “attend” the conference for medical credits. I hope you will consider making this info available to your health professionals.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Approved for 24.5 Continuing Medical Education/CE credits for licensed health practitioners (MDs, DOs, PAs and Nurses)
Continuing Medical Education/CE
CME/CE credit provided by AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare. This activity is jointly provided by AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare and The Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Inc.
Course One: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF Associated Illness (20.5 CME/CE)
Course Two: Electrosmog and Electrotherapeutics 101 (4 CME/CE)

From: Lauren Ayers (name given with permission)
To: editor@pqbnews.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 9:15:33 AM
Subject: The truth about wireless tech
Hello Friends in Qualicum Beach,
Do you remember how shocking it was to find out that Big Tobacco’s assurances about smoking being safe had been lies all along, and that government had shirked its duties to investigate?
The cover-up of wireless tech is even worse than the Big Tobacco’s cover-up because, from baby monitors to elder care pendants for emergencies (“Help, I can’t get up”), this technology is dangerous. Of course, you know microwave tech includes cell phones, WiFi, and smart meters. But add in video games, home security systems, Alexa, cordless phones, driverless cars, etc., and you can see how ubiquitous it is.
However, we Microwave Aware activists believe that in a democracy nothing is Too Big to Stop.
Why did the U.S. Federal Communications Commission recently decline to update the “safety” rules they set in 1996? (Take into account that those ancient rules left out all the classified military research showing radar is harmful for all life forms.) Because, as Harvard’s Center for Ethics discovered, the FCC is captured by the telecommunications industry.
I attach the Safe School Tech compendium of information, with nearly 200 easy-click citations, to reveal the truth under the window dressing. The Dilbert cartoons will, hopefully, help the reader cope with the reality, hidden for so long, of the real hazards of this technology. (see attachment https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Dilbert-Wireless-Tech-Hazards-Solutions-for-Schools-by-Safe-School-Tech-June-07-2021.pdf )
How can retired public officials live with the guilt of ignoring the evidence about tobacco, asbestos, and lead in paint?
Learn from the past. Don’t give Telecom a green light. Otherwise, the severe illnesses and deaths that wireless tech causes will someday haunt those who didn’t dig deeper when they had the chance.
Lauren Ayers
Guinda, California
P.S. This 2-minute video gives a good overview:
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Anyone who steps back for a minute and observes our modern digital world might conclude that we have destroyed our privacy in exchange for convenience and false security.” John Twelve Hawks