1) Free streaming of documentary recommended by Environmental Health Trust. Registration is required to see: “In an investigation that spans the globe, award-winning filmmaker Sue Williams investigates the underbelly of the international electronics industry and reveals how even the tiniest devices have deadly environmental and health costs.”
WHAT: “Death By Design,” the second film presented in the 2021 Jackson Hole Environmental Health Trust Film Series
DATE: Streaming Thursday, June 10, 2021, to Thursday, June 17, 2021.
LIVE EVENT: Discussion and Q&A Thursday, June 17, 2021, 7:00 p.m. MT 6:00 pm PT
REGISTRATION: Registration is free but you need to register to receive the link to stream “Death by Design”
2) Father’s Day tribute to Dr. Olle Johansson. My introduction to Olle (what he asks everyone to call him) was while I was investigating FM towers (3 FM transmitters are very close to my home), I found the study he did with Dr. Hallberg many years ago “Malignant Melanoma of the skin — not a sunshine story“ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15232509/ He was, and continues to be, extremely generous with his time and knowledge even to those just beginning the long road toward becoming educated, as I was about 15 years ago.
Real Research, Real Compassion, Real Science: Pioneering Neuroscientist Dr. Olle Johansson Tribute, 5G/EMF/RF Father’s Day Countdown
“There are many men we’d like to honor on Father’s Day but one, in particular, is Dr. Olle Johansson, a neuroscientist that has lectured widely around the world on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). He has become somewhat of a father figure, not only to other scientists, physicians & health advocates but to those of us that have been injured and impaired by EMR.”
(click on photos to enlarge)

all articles – https://www.naturalblaze.com/tag/fathers-day
3) Arthur Firstenberg’s most recent newsletter in which he explains how cell phones are never safe. No gadgets, no pendants reduce their radiation. And more cell phones require more towers. A vicious cycle with people being sold on the convenience of being able to text, talk, or surf anywhere at any time — without being told that they and those around them are being irradiated.
Cell Phone Apocalypse
“You are right to wonder how much radiation is a part of your illness. First and foremost, you should not ever use a cell phone or WiFi. Getting rid of all wireless on your person and in your home will make a tremendous difference in your health. A faraday pouch does not block all the radiation. A cell phone radiates even when it is off, as long as the battery is in it. And it takes your body several days to recover, even from a single two-minute phone call. No products will protect you from the radiation — if they do anything at all, those products are dangerous.”
Click to access Cell-Phone-Apocalypse.pdf
From Salt Spring, re. the Rogers tower.
1. Stolen Banner
Yes – our Banner, which was designed to encourage folks to visit our website TowersMatter.com, was stolen earlier this week. Hanging the banner was our way of circumnavigating censorship. The silver lining – the Exchange posted a listing with this picture of today so we may have reached a few more people.

2. Donations
We are having a replacement banner made. If you can afford to chip in, we would be grateful. E-transfers may be sent to: 5Gfreesaltspring@gmail.com
3. Are you EHS & Living near Channel Ridge?
As a part of our strategy, we are looking for someone who identifies as Moderately to Severely EHS who lives in or very near to Channel Ridge. Please let us know ASAP!
4. Info Cards
Upon request – Please print & share these simple Info Cards to help spread the word. They are black and white and you will get 4 per every 8.5 x 11 inch page.
5. Petition
Print & Share this Petition (Please submit it to the Island Trust Office at 500 Lower Ganges Rd. by 4:00 pm on June 25.) http://towersmatter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Petition-Islands-Trust_Rogers-Tower.pdf
6. Letters to Elizabeth May, Adam Olsen & the SSI Trust
We are now asking Adam Olsen and Elizabeth May to join our campaign. They may need some nudging!
Please Send Letters by June 25th.
o Send This Letter (when you click on the link, it will be downloaded as an editable Word Document) to MP Elizabeth May at: elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca
o Send This Letter (when you click on the link, it will be downloaded as an editable Word Document) to MLA Adam Olsen at: adam.olsen.mla@leg.bc.ca
o And if you have not yet written the Trust – please send This Letter to: ssiinfo@islandstrust.bc.ca
7. Get Informed
Take 5 minutes to read THIS POWER-PACKED PRESENTATION http://towersmatter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Preserve-Protect-_May-2021-Presentation-with-Images.pdf and Learn more about why, as stewards of our beautiful island, we must join together to stop this Rogers Tower.
In Gratitude for You,
The Team at 5G Free SaltSpring
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Mark Twain