Reminder that there will be no updates on Sundays.
1) Very important Zoom meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 10:30 am. An opportunity to discuss how our complaints re. Wi-Fi, cell phones, cell towers, smart meters, etc. are being ignored by politicians and by bureaucrats. Why is Bonnie Henry ignoring science, why does BC Centre for Disease Control have no expert of EMF and, therefore, disregards all scientific evidence?
Registration is required.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Like many of us, Janis Hoffmann, who has shared many of her letters with us, has a major complaint that was submitted to the Ombudsperson and got no response. If you are as concerned as Janis about the lack of accountability and the failure of anyone with authority to respond to her letters (never mind that no one has done anything to protect children in schools), I hope you will join us. Why shouldn’t Premier Horgan, your MLA, our health authorities, etc. have to even answer our letters?
Parents, teachers and students want to know why the BC government and the Provincial Health Officer, have refused to “act in good faith,” by fulfilling their moral and legal obligation, to protect our children while under their care in our schools?
2) “We Don’t Want the Rogers Tower” Website! is available with important information about Rogers’ plan to put yet another cell tower on Salt Spring Island, using CREST as a partner and justification. Please see the letter below and go to the new website to learn many reasons why this Rogers tower, like so many that Rogers (and Telus) are planning across BC, is bad for the environment as well as our health and safety. Salt Spring is fighting this tower and Rogers’ manipulations now. Who is next?
Preserve & Protect
Cell Towers in our Communities Matter.
3) The story of one man and how a smeter changed his life and introduced him to the battle to which we are devoted: reducing EMF and educating people about its biological effects.

Paul Harding, Total EMF Solutions — Real Men Know That Microwave Sickness Is Real: 5G/EMF/RF Father’s Day Stories
“When the Arizona utility company came to install a new digital, wireless electronic meter on Paul Harding’s home 10 years ago, he welcomed it, because he thought that it would enable him to save money. (For those who are not aware, smart utility meters enable time-of-use billing, with peak, off-peak, and other rate schemes, including pre-pay.)
Then, the next morning, he was awoken abruptly at 3:12-3:15 am, “from a dead sleep to 100 MPH.”
When it happened again at the exact same time the next morning, not sleeping, with the smart meter mounted 3 feet from his head, Paul got up and took out his computer. He typed in a search for “smart meter sleep problems.”…
Paul points to the Nobel Prize awarded in 2013 for discoveries in photobiology and the circadian clock. EMF receptors in the eyes send a signal to the pineal gland to produce melatonin at night. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that sends signals to repair cells. “The hypothesis that the brain does not distinguish between natural light and artificial EMF is certainly backed up by a wealth of research.” – Professor Denis Henshaw, Bristol University,”
4) BC Hydro is planning to submit an application for Time-Of-Use [TOU] billing soon. See this from the May 21 update:
This billing scheme will see higher rates during the day and will result in higher bills for those who have no choice but to use electricity during those hours, especially the disabled, those with young families, and the elderly. I was told not long ago of a person in Arizona who was billed this way and saw a huge increase when the hot weather came and he needed to use the air conditioner. So he decided to try having the air conditioner on high overnight, getting the home’s temperature as low as possible to allow the home to be comfortable during the extreme afternoon heat. Result: his bill reduced dramatically but his usage increased a lot. Sure it reduced usage during the afternoon but, overall, the usage was higher.
Consumers Energy electricity rate increases 50% during peak hours
“Consumers Energy’s 1.6 million residential electricity customers began paying 50% more during peak afternoon hours this week in an effort to reduce energy generation in the future.
The subsidiary of Jackson-based CMS Energy Corp. has notified its customers in the Lower Peninsula’s central, northern and western regions in recent weeks of the utility’s move to the new standard summer peak rate. The rate is in effect from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays starting Tuesday through September….
The higher cost during certain times of the day is a part of a greater trend in the energy industry seeking to reduce power generation as it pivots to relying on greener and renewable resources by providing a financial incentive to ratepayers to not use the dishwasher, do laundry or vacuum when energy demand is at its highest.
Check out Our “We Don’t Want the Rogers Tower” Website!
Hello Everyone,
Here’s the link to our new Campaign Website!
Please share it far and wide. We assume the [Islands] Trust will vote on this issue on June 29, which means we have about 4 weeks to spread the word. Many thanks to Jessica Beck for her help with website design.
Our attention-getting banner will be hung at Beachside as of Saturday.
Please let us know if you can help gather physical signatures on a petition opposing the project. After giving us a signature count, you will need to submit your petition to the Trust by June 25. (I will send you a petition digitally and you will print it on your end. Apple can help if you don’t have a printer.)
With Love,
Oona for 5G Free Salt Spring
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Nelson Mandela