1) Zoom meeting to discuss another Telus application for a cell tower in Nanaimo, June 7, 1:00 pm
Telecommunications Antenna System Application No. PL2021-017 – 210 Cochrane Road, Electoral Area H
1. Brian Gregg
That the Regional District of Nanaimo advise TELUS Communications Inc. and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada of the following:
- TELUS Communications Inc. has satisfactorily completed its consultation with the Regional District of Nanaimo;
- The Regional District of Nanaimo is satisfied with TELUS Communications Inc.’s public consultation process and does not require any further consultation with the public; and
- The Regional District of Nanaimo concurs with TELUS Communications Inc.’s proposal to construct a wireless telecommunications facility on the parcel legally described as Lot 6, District Lot 20, Newcastle District, Plan 6469.
2) Patricia Burke pays tribute to 2 men who helped to make their communities safer from EMF.
(click on photos to enlarge)

In Memoriam — Lance McKee, Dr. William Maykel: 5G/EMF/RF Father’s Day Stories

“What will smart people do? First, smart people will look for guidance on how to limit their exposures. What will smart cities do? 1. Wireless smart meters will be abandoned. Microgrids without wireless control systems will proliferate. 2. Fiber optics will become ubiquitous. 3. Cities will want devices’ emissions to be scaled down and tuned for minimum health risk. 4. Cities will support ubiquitous electromagnetic radiation monitoring 5. Electromagnetic radiation shielding will be detailed in building codes.”
3) A French group is organizing a day to draw attention to EHS. A letter from the organizer is below in “Letters“. If you are going to participate and have some ideas to share, please send to me, along with any photos, etc. to:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “EHS Day” on the subject line.
June 16, 2021: 4th World Electrosensitivity Day
The 4th Annual Electrosensitivity Day is officially underway! Find in this article ideas, tips and posters to participate.
At the moment, many EHS people are hiding, let’s show solidarity, think of them and give these whistleblowers the visibility they deserve through symbolic acts. I count on you to find original and creative ways to underline the impossibility for them to go to public places that are too polluted.
4) Marg Friesen is inviting everyone to join her Zoom meeting, regardless where you live.
Marg Friesen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 5G Winnipeg Awareness
Time: Jun 10, 2021 07:00 PM Winnipeg

My name is Magali LESURE, I am French. I created the association *Cœurs d’EHS* and the *World Day of Electrosensitivity*, in France, 3 years ago. Since then, the association organizes it every year on June 16th. I am sending you this email to inform you about it and to propose you to participate.
The objectives of this day are to :
* to make the general public aware of the toxicity of waves,
* to inform about electro-hypersensitivity
* to alert on the social and sanitary situation of EHS people,
* to have this environmental handicap recognized.
There are several ways to participate. Everything is explained in the
following article:
This year, hundreds of people have been informed about the event in many countries of the western world. If we ALL mobilize, we will make this day a worldwide event! I sincerely hope that you will join us in this action!
I would love to receive photos of your participation to add to the
report of the Day!
*Magali Lesure*
Founder of Cœurs d’EHS (EHS Hearts)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” Theodore Roosevelt