1) Another Telus cell tower application, this one in Naramata. Unless there is a moratorium on 5G, this is going to be ongoing throughout North America.
(click on photos to enlarge)

TELUS c/o Cypress Land Services Inc. is inviting the public to an Online Public Meeting
Event: Notice of Proposed TELUS Telecommunications Facility & Online Public Meeting
Date and time: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 5:30 – 6:00 pm PST
Join Meeting: https://telus.webex.com
Meeting #: 145 717 0518
Meeting Password: BCB576
2) After getting the most recent email from a member about being harassed by Telus, even threatened with loss of service if Telus was not allowed access into the home, I asked an Electrical Engineer if this made any sense, and, if so, to give me a “most logical explanation” for Telus’s bringing fiber optic cable to homes and insisting that it must be brought into the home, especially given that 5G is wireless and that microcells are being put on poles outside homes. His response is below in Letters. What he describes is precisely what Telus did to our home — modems (perhaps repeaters) hidden instead of installing fiber optic cable as they promised.
3) The Oregon Health Authority’s white-washing of scientific evidence that shows the potential harmful effects of Wi-Fi in schools is getting attention around the world as a prime example of corruption and bias in government agencies that result in the public being told lies and health being put at risk. Many excellent letters with terrific studies referenced are included. Also an interview with Daniel Forbes, author of the article that may lead to further investigation of the OHA.
U.S. State Health Authority Downplayed Wi-Fi Health Risks to School Children and Omitted Scientific Research Showing Harm
https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABwzuIJuud8AGV4&cid=08F0118460121D8E&id=8F0118460121D8E%21134069&parId=8F0118460121D8E%21100815&o=OneUp (Interview with Daniel Forbes 31 min.)

Bringing FOC to each residence then means the demand for fast 5G Wi-Fi inside of the residence would continue to grow.
So Telus decides to eliminate the need for all of those pesky residential connection boxes, with maintenance problems, and eliminate outlet jacks in the walls.
What will replace the in-home Telus copper wiring?
5G Wi-Fi. (or 6G etc. etc.)
A new Telus Modem/Router will connect to the Telus FOC where it enters the premises.
After that, in order to blanket every room with Wi-Fi, since 5G has LIMITED reach, repeaters are needed to ensure coverage inside the home for places that the main router cannot reach. Depends on how large your house is, whether you have concrete/brick walls etc.
Surprised that 5G cannot seem to reach even 15 to 20 feet, through walls, etc. in residences without a repeater.
Each repeater (approx 6 inch to 6 inch, nice white plastic with an LED indicator), for each area/room needs 120V power so is plugged into a power outlet in that area/room.
Telus Wi-Fi repeater hub (not sure how many are needed) is located next to the Telus Router & needs CAT5/6 connection to router, plus 120v power, as does the router.
Each repeater located in each room detects the main signal from the repeater hub(s) then re-transmits it to its immediate area.
This description is of an actual residential installation operating now.
Advantage for Telus: Eliminate the old and new copper wiring, connections and wall jacks inside premises, provide high-speed WiFi into EVERY space, lots of new hardware to install. In large homes, Telus might install repeaters in every room. Again I am not sure how many repeater hubs are needed at the router location.
Not sure of the potential for advanced technology (6G?) services that will be coming to homes in the future.
Not sure if any of the equipment meets RF emission safety regulations.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If something can corrupt you, you’re corrupted already.” Bob Marley