1) Re. BC Hydro’s Zoom town hall on May 19, 2021 @ noon and 7PM. It isn’t easy (I found it impossible) getting information from a person. Here is information about the town hall on their webpage. It appears that the connection info is at the top of the page, with a PowerPoint presentation (starting on page 3/67) that is probably what they covered in the meeting. It clearly is leading the way to Time-of-Use (TOU) with rate comparisons that I did not find meaningful. It is a sales job, not surprisingly.
2) The province has proposed a new accessibility Act that is very general in nature, and is not nearly as inclusive as it should be. It forms a basis but requires and provides an opportunity for an amendment that includes, among other persons, those who suffer from EHS. People who are sensitive cannot work, shop, or enjoy places where EMF injures them. They have a right to accommodation just as much as someone with another physical disability.
MLAs should be made aware that the Act fall short in this regard. Those who are sensitive should petition their MLAs and Premier Horgan and join with these other groups (see second link) for a more inclusive amendment. Remind Premier Horgan of his Dec. 2018 statement: ” “All persons with disabilities should have barrier-free access to full and equal participation in society.”
The Canadian Human Rights Commission recognizes ES and states those living with environmental sensitivities are entitled to the protection of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Review of Bill 6 – 2021: The Accessible British Columbia Act by Disability Alliance BC
“We look forward to engaging in the implementation of this legislation, particularly in ensuring that the development of regulations and standards will promote accessibility for people with all disabilities, and which will influence various sectors across our society, including but not limited to: housing, education, employment and health. While the BC government certainly deserves credit for introducing this accessibility legislation, we consider the current reading of Bill 6 to be weaker than other Canadian accessibility laws in many important ways. We strongly recommend changes to Bill 6 before it passes Royal Assent.”
Click to access Disability-Alliance-BC-Review-on-Bill-6.pdf
3) A Dutch court ruled that RF exposure levels of about .3 uW/cm2 or 3 mW/m2 cannot be considered safe. Many studies have shown biological effects at this level, which is tiny fraction of Safety Code 6 or FCC’s guidelines. Experts have warned that there is no “safe” level of exposure to man-made radiation which, in most environments, is many millions or even billions of times higher than the levels of radiation to which all life was exposed until less than 200 years ago.
This conversion chart also provides biological effects reported at various levels. Safety Code 6 is available on our website under “MISC.“.

from http://www.swiftrunnerministries.com/resources/EMF%20Conversion%20Chart.pdf

from http://www.swiftrunnerministries.com/resources/EMF%20Conversion%20Chart.pdf
Click to access EMF%20Conversion%20Chart.pdf
Dutch Court Ruling – Cellphone Tower’s Low EMF Radiation Can’t Be Excluded – en.geovital.com [EN]
“In the court’s opinion, looking at all the arguments, with reference to scientific literature, it is not excluded that even a field strength of less than 1 V/m, and therefore also in the case of the plaintiff, may involve increased health risks.”
Dutch Court Ruling – Cellphone Tower’s Low EMF Radiation Can’t Be Excluded
4) A member recommended sharing this video which provides a very simple description of 5G and its technology. I shared this a couple of years ago, perhaps when IEEE released it, but might mean more to many of us now — we understand so much better what is intended and what the problems are. Also, we have many new members who may appreciate this.
Everything You Need to Know About 5G
“Millimeter waves, massive MIMO, full duplex, beamforming, and small cells are just a few of the technologies that could enable ultrafast 5G networks”
https://spectrum.ieee.org/video/telecom/wireless/everything-you-need-to-know-about-5g (video 6:14 min.)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” Robert H. Schuller