To allow all the mothers and grandmothers who help share these updates to celebrate Mothers’ Day, there will be no update tomorrow. I hope all the moms are spoiled tomorrow.
1) Many of those who have been involved in this battle to educate people about and to reduce EMF are doing so to protect their children and grandchildren — no ulterior motive like the industry, lobbyists, and bent scientists. Most of us have great concern for future generations, even if many of them refuse to accept that their wireless gadgets could be hurting them.
5G/EMF/RF Mother’s Day 2021: Voices Of Experience, Wisdom & Insight Part 1
“In the last decade, increasing numbers of mothers and grandmothers have begun questioning the safety of wireless technologies. Some have gotten involved because of symptom onset following the installation of wireless utility meters, some due to cellphone towers near schools; some due to WiFi in schools; some due to monstrous towers planned for their neighborhoods; some waking up to find that the tower was already being constructed without the knowledge and consent of the community,- and their children were suddenly sickened.”
2) A new political party in Australia (, dedicated to developing policies and regulations to protect the public from 5G and associated technologies until they are proven safe.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“No 5G” Political Party Demands Moratorium Until 5G is Proven Safe to Human Health, Flora, Fauna and Property (Australia)
The No 5G Political Party is now official in Australia.
“Our mission is to protect life and freedom by regulating wireless 5G and associated technologies, and to establish a moratorium until such technologies are proven safe to health, the environment, privacy and security.”
3) More reports are being made public about “directed energy” attacks in the USA, resulting in symptoms similar to those experienced by diplomats in Havana and China.

U.S. probing suspected directed-energy attack on government personnel in Miami
“The attacks, which have caused varying symptoms including brain damage, are difficult to track and attribute with confidence due to their nature.”

From: 5G Free Salt Spring
Sent: May 8, 2021
Subject: LAST WEEK to Write the Trust about the 5G Tower
We hope you are thriving at this time when we honour those who mother with love in so many ways.
If you have not yet sent a letter to the Local Trust Committee voicing your opposition to the proposed Rogers Channel Ridge 5G-enabled tower, please take a few minutes to send a letter now.
Even if you have sent one, please consider sending a second : )
Every message sent to the Trust matters, and will help us achieve success.
The most powerful letters will be:
* Project specific (not focusing solely on the general evils of 5G : )
* Personal
Below is a template to get you started,
With Gratitude,
The Team from 5G Free Salt Spring
SEND to:
Peter Grove <>
Laura Patrick <>
Peter Luckham <>
SEND by: Sunday, May 16
LTC Representatives,
Please write a letter of non-concurrence for the proposed Rogers Channel Ridge tower.
I am opposed to this project because …… (Make a personal statement here)
Effective emergency services on Salt Spring are not contingent upon CREST partnering with Rogers. Our first responders and you should not be forced to choose between having the VHF coverage needed and supporting a corporate telecom. If indeed there is not room for CREST to share the TELUS tower already at this site, CREST should build their own tower, with no commercial antennas allowed.
The Engineer’s Report for this project shows Rogers will be transmitting 4G and 5G cellular from 22 antennas on this tower, needlessly escalating the amount of electromagnetic radiation the island’s flora, fauna and residents are exposed to.
Twenty years ago, the SSI Trust created Canada’s most protective radiation exposure guideline. Gary Holman has told us this project will exceed that standard.
Scientific and climate change experts the world over warn that we must limit the amount of wireless infrastructure we build and use if we are to protect the health and safety of all beings and our planet. Supporting this project contravenes the goals of the island’s Climate Action Plan.
This project will not improve our ability to call 911. 90% of islanders who completed a May 2021 survey said they could already call 911 via cell phone from home. This tower will not be able to reach those areas that are not currently covered by the TELUS tower already at this location.
With a dozen cell sites already serving the island, it is unlikely another tower will improve our commercial cellular coverage. It will also not improve broadband internet availability, cost or speed.
When the Strathcona Regional District’s Connected Coast brings open-access fiber optics to four ports on Salt Spring in about 2 years, we will have access to the safest, fastest connectivity available.
Island residents and CREST do not need this Rogers tower which will bring more harm than good. The LTC has every right to refuse land use permission for this project. Please make your decision based on the wellbeing of generations to come,
All the Best,
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You’re either part of the solution or you’re part of the problem.” Eldridge Cleaver