1) ICNIRP has been able to be considered a leading authority on EMF, dominating other international agencies to protect and maintain exposure guidelines and false assertions of safety in order to protect the telecoms and military corporations. More and more independent experts are demanding an end to this unjustified influence so that true science can prevail.
Documentation: The ICNIRP lobby system and the Federal Office for Radiation Protection – 4 analyzes
“National and international radiation protection policy for mobile phone radiation is dominated by the limit value guidelines and research interpretations of the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection), which is based in the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection. Important scientists from medicine, sociology, epidemiology and politicians criticize the ICNIRP as a lobby organization of the industry in new analyzes….
The ICNIRP provides the industry with the arguments for marketing mobile communications technology by either not including studies that demonstrate health risks in the assessment, or by questioning the results or presenting them in a distorted manner.”
2) Quebec is investing $13,333 per household to provide high speed internet service. This most likely is in a very remote part of the province, but if service is already being provided, wouldn’t the backbone be there already? For example, fiber optic cable? What are the telecoms investing? They will reap the profits.
$38M to provide high-speed Internet access to more than 2,850 households in the Granit RCM by September 2022
“Thanks to a $38M joint investment made as part of Canada–Quebec Operation High Speed, 2,850 households in the Granit RCM will have access to high-speed Internet services by September 2022. The projects will be implemented by Sogetel and TELUS.”
3) A member sent this article about “smart” TVs in China. So many wireless devices are made, at least in part, in China, and one of the concerns of many is that 5G will gather data via the smart devices in our homes, which can be gathered and transmitted via our “smart” meters into the cloud, without our permission or knowledge. And as the 5G grid develops, and as just about anything we buy could have a chip to transmit data, our security and privacy will become a thing of the past.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Chinese smart TVs are snooping on their owners
“The social media outrage against Gozen takes place amid a nationwide transition into smart-home living that leads the world. As Chinese companies continue to introduce home appliances that connect to the internet, concerns about data security are sure to spill over from discussions about mobile apps. On Weibo, many users shared complaints on the security risks that exist when everything — including kitchen hoods, water heaters and stoves — all go “smart.” “It’s really unnecessary for many traditional appliances to connect to the Wi-Fi,” says one comment.”
From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
Sent: April 29, 2021
To: rachel.blaney@parl.gc.ca
Subject: Re: Workers need you to act – Comment
Dear Mrs. Blaney,
Thank you for your information which I received this morning. I like to add something of importance in regards to public safety, and government spending, regarding to your letter.
“We have the opportunity to build a healthier society for everyone and invest in the infrastructure we need to fight climate change. We can make sure every public dollar goes to helping workers and communities, not wealthy CEOs. We can build a Canada where we take better care of each other and the planet.
The Liberals are talking about a green recovery, but they’ve given billions to the fossil fuel industry and missed every single climate target they’ve set.” – MP, R. Blaney
The Liberals not only indulge in corporate welfare of the oil industry, but extended this publicly funded generosity, to the telecom industry as well.
Former President of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg, Challenges a President of Rogers Communications to return the $150m subsidy of taxpayer money unless he can prove his statement is true that cell tower radiation is “very, very safe.”
Attached is the hot off the press media release, by the former President of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg. You can also view the short video, where you can see for yourself what Mr. Prevost, CEO of Rogers, boldly stated. (these attachments were included in the Special Update April 28 and are also on the front page of www.stopsmartmetersbc.com) [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/new-video-release-frank-clegg-challenges-rogers-on-safety-of-cell-towers-and-5g/]
In the video, Mr. Clegg asks Prevost to show the evidence. Clegg asserts, “It’s a grossly misleading statement and the public should know the truth. There are, in fact, hundreds of peer-reviewed independent studies showing harm from radiowaves. There are public appeals from doctors and scientists around the globe to pause the 5G rollout. Fibre optic and wired connections are superior solutions.”
It has become evident, that the telecoms are clearly misleading municipal authorities about 5G, thus enabling the spread of towers and microcells for the benefit of corporations. There is no benefit for those who are already exposed, and will be exposed even further, to the damaging microwave radiation that has permeated every corner of our communities.
The First Nations People have passed down the wisdom of ‘not harming the next 7 generations that come after us’.
Unfortunately, as an EMF Consultant, I have examined many homes, of which the vast majority show dangerously high levels of microwave radiation readings, even in children’s bedrooms.
As of this month, Campbell River is a participant in the global EMF – Bragg, Science Project. Every month, the rise in radiation levels is monitored and reported. The results are shared internationally, to determine which cities around the world have the least radiation, and which cities should be avoided. So far, microwave radiation level readings of the downtown area indicates high levels.
Please be so kind and share this information with your fellow MPs, as this is not only a grotesque waste of taxpayers’ money, but also a nation-wide health concern.
Best regards,
Marcus Schluschen
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.” Emo Philips