1) Many reports refer to Safety Code 6 levels of emissions, yet Safety Code 6 itself, as written by Health Canada, is not easy to understand. I’m often asked how a particular level relates to this guideline, so I decided to make a chart. The allowed levels vary by frequency, with lower frequencies having lower allowed limits because they penetrate more deeply. This is the Safety Code 6 as amended in 2015, and is still just a guideline.
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) Young children, even infants, are being given smartphones and other wireless devices to entertain or to “teach” them. Parents are not aware of the many potential risks to health and psychological as well as social development.

Kids and Smartphones: More Warnings about Impact on Sleep Quality, Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Development
“Kids and smartphones: a warning for parents about harmful impacts
PhD researcher Sumudu Mallawaarachchi and Dr Sharon Horwood from Deakin University’s School of Psychology found that the more time toddlers and pre-schoolers spend on smartphones and iPads, the greater risk of negative impacts on their social, emotional, and cognitive development and sleep quality and quantity.”
3) Even though several years ago SwissCom, one of the largest telecoms in Switzerland, admitted that EMF exposure can cause biological effects, Swiss telecoms’ cell towers, antennae and other wireless devices have proliferated, engulfing most of the country in high levels of electrosmog. This is an appeal to the counterpart of Health Canada to do its job and protect Swiss citizens and environment.
Genotoxic EMF Human Rights Scandal, in Switzerland & Worldwide (38:56 min. with German subtitles)
4) Israeli soldiers, who have operated the famous anti-missile system, are being diagnosed with various cancers at an alarming rate. EMF from the radar is considered a likely cause.
Does Iron Dome harm IDF soldiers? New study reveals findings
“The Iron Dome protects Israel from missile attack. It’s one of the most widely admired and recognized systems in the IDF. No Israeli has a single bad thing to say about the Iron Dome, at least until now. An investigation by Israeli Daily Yediot Aharonot to be published in full on Friday says there’s a connection between the anti-missile system and cases of cancer among the servicemen and women who run it.”

Iron Dome veterans link their service to high rates of cancer
“Soldiers claim radiation emanating from missile defense system’s radar made them ill after some were diagnosed with the disease at the end, or immediately after, their military service; IDF dismisses claims despite new study further backing allegations”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle