1) We are told by Health Canada that its review of scientific evidence is ongoing and trustworthy. There have been a few reviews of Safety Code 6, the most recent was finalized in 2015. The review is done by a panel of “experts” chosen by Health Canada as are the studies which are reviewed. Some of the “experts” have a history of being affiliated with the telecom industry, and one is Ken Foster. We know that Safety Code 6 provides no protection against EMF from wireless devices, being based on heating effects only. We also know that Health Canada misleads the public with its assurance of “safety”, basing this assurance on “experts” with known conflicts of interests and bias — Ken Foster is just one.
And the authorities in the US depend on Foster, too. The CDC hired him to develop some of their web pages. This is just one example of a bent scientist who sells out to the industry, and the governments who allow the industry to run their departments.
“The CDC webpages drafted with Kenneth Foster as a Subject Matter Expert now online at the CDC are:
Wearable Computers and Wearable Technology https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/wearable.html
The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Non-Ionizing Radiation https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/nonionizing_radiation.html
Foster has a long history of being hired by companies to serve as the safety consultant in smartmeter, cell tower and high voltage powerline cases. He lists Motorola, Bell Atlantic Mobile, Comcast Metrophone, Sprint Spectrum, Omnipoint Cellular Communications, and Electric Power Research Institute. (Search Foster to see his CV). An online search finds several examples of Foster presenting as the industry “safety expert” for T Mobile, Towers of PA, AT and T regarding cell tower safety.”
The CDC Hired An Industry Consultant to Draft Website Information For the Public
How safe is your cell? Possible links between cancer and wireless radiation should be ‘aggressively’ studied: panel
““The conclusion of the panel was that the Safety Code 6 limits are science-based and are designed to avoid all known hazards of radiofrequency radiation,” said panel chair Paul Demers, director of the Occupational Cancer Research Centre in Toronto…
Panel member Ken Foster, a professor of bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania who studies the health effects of electromagnetic fields, said studies on human exposure to Wi-Fi devices have provided little useful data on biological effects.”
“Kenneth Foster is a scientist quoted in headline news as discounting the harm caused by wireless radiation. Yet these news articles do not mention his strong industry ties going back years. In fact, he is a longtime industry consultant who’s received significant amount of money from the industry over the years.
A significant amount of Fosters research in funded by industry, he is paid by industry to present the industry funded research at conference internationally and he regularly testifies as the industry health and safety expert in cell tower cases. ”
2) Magda Havas has asked volunteers to help with a new project she calls BRAG City RF Project. It began on April 1 with people around the world measuring the level of RF in their towns and cities. This is an ongoing project, and Magda will be having Zoom meetings to update people about what she is finding. If you would like to participate or to learn more, contact Magda at:
Global EMF Monitoring Citizen Scientists
“On March 1 st , 2021, I sent out an email requesting volunteers to participate in the “Global EMF Monitoring” Project that we plan to start in April, 2021. As of today, we have almost 200 volunteers from 16 countries and we hope to increase that number over time.”
3) Dr. Arazi’s Phonegate investigation has found more cell phones with RF emissions higher than France’s guideline (SAR 2.0 W/kg). So far, in France 28 of the more than 250 have been withdrawn from the market or have made significant changes to their software to bring them into compliance. In Canada and the USA, there has been no notice given to the public which is still using many of these phones. And there will be many more that are non-compliant because Health Canada’s limit for cell phones is 1.6 W/kg.
(click on photo to enlarge)

List of mobile phones with non-compliant SARs removed or updated in France
List updated as of April 25, 2021
“To date, 28 different models of cell phones dangerous to the health of users have been either withdrawn from the French market or have had their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) updated by software. Among the latest tested with a SAR trunk “non-compliant” we find the smartphone Nokia 7 Plus (SAR 3.48 W/kg) and Sony XPERIA 5 (2.64 W/kg). The manufacturer HMD GLOBAL OY (Nokia) received a financial penalty of 7 500 euros. And very recently in March and April 2021 two smartphones sold by the distributor Boulanger (EssentielB HeYou 60 and 40) with a SAR trunk and limbs “at risk” respectively of 2.86 W/kg and 5.26 W/kg for the HeYou 60 was sanctioned for exceeding regulatory thresholds.”
or https://tinyurl.com/559jad8b
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I learned a long time ago that reality was much weirder than anyone’s imagination.” Hunter S. Thompson