2021-04-22 An Earth Day Presentation

1) A presentation for Earth Day that has a lot of detailed information about the greater amounts of energy required for wireless devices and networks than wired ones. This is information that should be presented to anyone concerned with climate change. If people don’t care about EMFs effects on health, perhaps they will care about the effects on the earth. The presentation is about 43 min. followed by Q&A. At about the 30 min. mark, he tells why smeters only benefit the utilities’ bottom line while contributing to global warming.

Expanded Wired Communications — Presentation and Q&A — Earth Day Special

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFuFxq8jONo   (1:49 hr.)

2) The judge has sided with Motorola, barring one of the top EMF experts from testifying that research shows a link between RF and cancer. Apparently, the schedule is more important than the truth and the health of millions of cell phone customers.


“Microwave News just reported that Dr. Chris Portier was barred as expert witness in Murray v. Motorola – a major cell phone cancer lawsuit that has been winding though the courts for years. Christopher Portier PhD was formerly the Director of the United States National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta and the Director of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.The Judge denied plaintiffs’ motion to include him this morning. His qualifications were the issue but rather, it would “disrupt existing schedule and detrimentally affect the orderliness and efficiency of any trial.”


3) In Santa Barbara, California, a draft telecom ordinance says that each carrier plans on installing 30-60 transmitters (microcells) per square mile. The estimate is that this will result in 5,000 antennae across the city. A legal battle is brewing.

The Wild, Wild West of Telecom Acquisition

“Who is the sheriff, you may ask, to halt the robbery of our public right of way? So far both the city and the county have rolled over to assist the acquisition. The County Board of Supervisors rescinded restrictions such as proof of significant gap in coverage and prohibition of cell towers in residential neighborhoods. Likewise, the City Council voted down placing a moratorium on new cell towers, until their outdated ordinance is revised.

In recent weeks, Andrew Campanelli, a leading national telecom attorney, gave instruction to our county attorney, county public officials, and local residents on the legal arguments that refute the billion-dollar telecom industry mantra “your hands are tied.” He educated participants that our local zoning laws offer us the local authority to protect our residents, if our local government officials so choose. That is a big if. The power is in their hands to ensure that our telecom ordinances and codes enact specific provisions such as proof of Significant Gap in Coverage, set back limitations, height limitations, fall zones, prohibition in residential zones, cap on radiative power.”


or   https://tinyurl.com/44zydu2w


Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Earth Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place.”   Scott Peters



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation