1) A podcast with Dr. Paul Heroux and Frank Clegg about cell towers in Pittsfield, Mass. According to Dr. Heroux, the evidence is clear that living within 500 meters of a cell tower will exacerbate cancers.
A conversation about the health impacts from cell towers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqnlprkWZbg (32:49 min.)
2) An excellent article as part of a series by Patricia Burke, “5G Earth Day”. We’ve all heard how 5G is needed to allow people to work and attend school from home, how it will improve the lives of those currently without reliable internet, etc. But the problems caused by the proliferation of EMF are being hidden — profit at any price, even the health of our planet. There is an excellent summary presented in a poster format. I will ask for permission to use.
(click on photos to enlarge)

5G And EARTH DAY Countdown: Is Tech Cooking The Planet?
“5G infrastructure investment is being promoted as a solution to global warming and/or climate change. It is being forcefully imposed on communities, with increasing abuses of power, and violations of community rights.
As part of this ongoing series counting down to Earth Day we have looked at misleading myths surrounding “progress” in “smart” wireless 5G and sensor-driven transportation.
Steep investment in 5G infrastructure and operating systems is being promoted to address “urgent” health and environmental challenges. The urgency is being used to justify a demand for expediency that overrides local control and human rights, and prohibits the consideration of adverse health effects.
5G must logically be scrutinized for health and environmental impacts.”
3) Below is a message from people on Salt Spring Island, requesting help in preventing a Rogers/Crest tower which will hold many RF transmitters, some of which will be for 5G, in addition to CREST. Having first responder transmitters partner with Rogers or some other telecom is deceptive. People want and need to have good first responder communications devices, but shouldn’t have to agree to having dozens of commercial transmitters to get it.

This message is from the 5G Free Salt Spring Collective.
4 (EASY) Steps to Success
1. WRITE – The Public Consultation period for the Rogers-CREST Channel Ridge Tower ends this FRIDAY, APRIL 16 at noon. Please send messages voicing your opposition to:
and cc your message to:
COPY, PASTE & SEND the short template below.
WHY THIS MATTERS – This is our one officially recognized opportunity to have our voices heard.
2. VOTE – Please take 30 seconds to Vote “No” to this project in the Driftwood’s online Poll.
The Poll is on this page, https://www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com/ about halfway down on the right under the heading: QUESTION OF THE WEEK.
WHY THIS MATTERS – The Islands Trust will likely pay attention to the outcome of this poll when deciding if they will write a letter to endorse this tower.
3. Please SHARE this Email Message with Others who Live On or Love Salt Spring.
Learn more about our campaign here: https://saltspringexchange.com/list/rogers-5g-on-salt-spring/
Learn more about 5G Here: https://thecalm.ca/ – A great place to start – “What is 5G” in the FAQs. https://thecalm.ca/faqs
4. Please DONATE towards the island wide mail-out we did last week. E-transfers may be sent to 5gfreesaltspring@gmail.com
With Gratitude and Joy,
The Team at 5G Free Salt Spring
and cc your message to:
Subject: Rogers-CREST Channel Ridge Tower
I strongly oppose the Roger’s CREST tower proposed for Channel Ridge, Salt Spring.
. OUR HEALTH – Peer reviewed science shows wireless radiation harms people, plants and wildlife
. OUR ENVIRONMENT – Wireless technology & infrastructure uses a massive amount of energy and is not “Green”
. OUR DATA PRIVACY & SECURITY – Wireless systems are easily hacked
. PROXIMITY TO HOMES – The nearest residence is just 50 metres away
. THE SCOPE – This is a significant commercial Roger’s tower, with CREST planning on adding equipment to a very small portion of it
. Limiting the electrosmog on our island, especially 5G
. CREST in building its own tower, with no commercial antennas allowed
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” Henry David Thoreau