1) The first campaign announced by CALM with action ideas for April, to welcome Spring. Please share widely and get involved.
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#Trees, Not 5G
Focus: Drawing attention to the effects wireless frequencies have on nature, plants and trees.
2) The 3rd newsletter from 5G Winnipeg Awareness. One item is the invitation below, and there is more information about this Zoom meeting available in it. This will provide the opportunity to “meet” and discuss common issues with people across Canada, and is the first of many such “meetings”.
5G News+ 2021 #3 – Join us Wednesday 6:30 Central Time ZOOM -Opposing Cell towers and new useful website
You are invited to an open Zoom meeting hosted by Canadians For Safe Technology (C4ST)’s ” Community Actions for Safer Technology”. Everyone is welcome whether a member of C4ST or not.
Topic: “Opposing Cell Towers“. Our guest will be Sharon Noble who will provide some personal history on cell tower installations in BC and her view on what is happening in Canada now. Marg Friesen will lead a discussion on tools available to oppose towers and what we need to do next.
When: Wednesday, Mar. 31, 2021 – 4:30-6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) – 6:30-8:00 PM Winnipeg Time – 7:30-9:00 PM Eastern Time
Register in advance for this meeting. It will be under C4ST volunteer meeting.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
3) More interesting reading about bent scientists, how they work to damage reputations and demean science, and how they benefit. One in particular is Alexander Lerchl who spread lies and ruined reputations for many years. The first article is an updated version to one I shared a few weeks ago. Certainly worth the time to read about how lies have set back research on DNA studies, for example.
German Court Moves To Silence Relentless Critic of RF DNA Studies
Alexander Lerchl’s Unfounded Claims of Fabricated Data from Vienna Lab
13-Year Campaign of Disinformation
“The allegations of forgery have now been proved to be fictitious,” Adlkofer told Microwave News in an email exchange. “Over the years, Alexander Lerchl never shied away from any kind of lie in order to achieve his goals. The time for consequences has arrived.” Adlkofer is a director of the Pandora Foundation, based outside Berlin. The foundation paid the costs of the litigation.
Lerchl has been the best funded lab researcher on RF health effects in Germany —and in all of Europe— over the last 20 years. (See “Rich Rewards for Bad Behavior”.) Now there are calls for his most recent government contract to be cancelled and that he be removed from an international advisory panel….
Even if Lerchl does stop, he will have left a trail of broken careers and lost research opportunities. Rüdiger, who retired from the MUV in 2007 and then spent years defending the DNA papers, has completely withdrawn and not spoken about REFLEX in years. Kratochvil quit the MUV lab after working with Rüdiger for a decade. She is now a teacher.”
Lerchl’s Unattainable Prize: The IARC RF Panel
“A Chance To Vote on RF–Cancer Link But Disqualified for Having Ties to Industry”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” John Wooden