1) Huge subsidy for telecoms to bring high-speed internet to areas of Quebec, $826.3 million for 150,000 homes ($5,500 per home). No mention of fiber optic cable to the premises and the cheapest for the telecoms is wireless. I think it’s a stretch to say high speed internet is as important as water and electricity, an essential service. I don’t think anyone would die without it.
Federal, Quebec governments to spend $826 million to expand high-speed internet
“High-speed internet is becoming a basic utility, like water, or electricity. People need to have access to data,” Trudeau said.
The new funding — with half coming from each level of government — will be used to subsidize telecommunications companies. Those companies will be required to connect all households in specific regions to high-speed internet by fall 2022 and to charge those residents the same rates Quebecers pay in big cities….
Montreal-based Videotron and Cogeco will each receive more than $200 million in subsidies and will be expected to connect more than 35,000 households each to high-speed internet. Bell will receive $161.5 million and will be expected to connect nearly 31,000 households. Other large participants include Xplornet, Sogetel and Telus.”
This is in addition to the Federal money ear-marked to provide high speed internet to rural areas via satellites, in 2019.
Canada to invest in satellite technology to connect rural, remote areas
“The federal government is making a big funding announcement Wednesday alongside a Canadian company that’s developing satellite technology to expand high-speed Internet access in rural and remote regions.
The head of Ottawa-based Telesat will join Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains for an event that appears to be part of the government’s commitment to invest $100 million over five years into a technology known as low-Earth-orbit satellites.”
2) Here are some items that appear to be very interesting and perfect for reading on a rainy afternoon. I haven’t read them yet, but they may be very similar to the 4,000 previously classified studies and reports Dr. Zory Glaser gave to Dr. Magda Havas: https://zoryglaser.com/document-library/
(click on photos to enlarge)

It is so frustrating when WHO, Cancer Society, Health Canada, ICNIRP, etc. say there is no evidence that EMF can cause harm. They’ve known for decades, since WWII, that it does and the public is being lied to.
NASA Report
Air Force Study
I hope others will write to CrossCountry Checkup, too. The public needs to know that there is a safe, superior way to receive speedy internet service instead of wireless.

From: X
To: “checkup” <checkup@cbc.ca>
Sent: March 22, 2021
Subject: Opposed to Rogers/Shaw Merger
Dear Check-up:
This proposed merger claims it will be the “next step toward a better 5G.”
A better 5G is neither needed, nor is it in the best interest of biological life on our planet. (Supporting credible, non-industry-funded research is available on request.)
5G has not been proven safe. Until it is, we have no business encouraging its proliferation.
Fiber optic cables that goes into places where it will be connected (to wired broadband, ideally), is superior for many reasons. Mostly importantly, it’s health and safety efficacies are vastly superior to wireless 5G.
It’s time to recognize why, where and how 5G continues to be promoted, and why getting the information we need to make informed decisions about 5G is suppressed.
For safe technology, and a world where biological life can continue to thrive,
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” Isaac Newton