1) I hope you will read the letter signed by many experts, asking for the WHO to take action now to step away from the ICNIRP limits that have been set by the industrial/military complex and which have influenced agencies such as WHO, FCC and Health Canada for decades. And please consider signing the petition in support of this letter. Things will change only when enough pressure comes from us, the people who know and care.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“This letter which will be delivered to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus requesting that the WHO urgently recommend more restrictive limits on human exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF).”
2) Many cities are being approached by corporations, such as Google, to entice them into accepting the concept of and even bragging about becoming a “smart city”. But they need to do what Toronto did and consider what “smart” really means. It means gathering data by any means from every source, putting privacy and security at risk.
Brave New World: The Privacy Risks Posed By Smart Cities
“The concept of smart cities emerged in the early 2000s as the concept of integrating technology within cities began to be explored. Today, a smart city is fundamentally built on data collection – for example, traffic lights can be enabled to gather information about traffic flow, and automated to optimize traffic accordingly. “Data is gathered and analyzed through a variety of means to create a new, fluctuating landscape,” says Samantha Garrett, a journalist at Writinity and Last Minute Writing. “It’s these powerful new applications of data that allow smart cities their great potentiality – but also the risks to privacy.””
3) Many neighbourhoods have underground utilities and a member has asked where the microcells will go. Has anyone any information about this? Please respond to: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Microcells” on the subject line. I suspect they would be put on the light standards which, again, are owned by the municipality which should be able to refuse attachment.
4) In Australia, a new political party has developed which is devoted to electing people at all levels of government who will support a moratorium on 5G and to develop RF safety standards that are biologically based.
No5G Party registered as a Federal political party!
“The No5G Party was officially registered as a political party by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) on 5 January 2021. It intends to nominate and endorse candidates for elected public office in Commonwealth, state and territory parliaments and local government bodies across all Australian jurisdictions.
The party calls for a moratorium on 5G and associated technology until such technologies are proven safe to human health, flora, fauna and property. The No5G party promotes legislative reform, in order to ensure Australian safety standards reflect true medical consensus.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” Zig Ziglar