1) Some ideas for the next Stop 5G Protest Day, March 19/20. We need to get word out about what is going on as cells towers go up and microcells are placed outside homes. Most people have no idea. One idea might be to put signs on poles that hold microcells.
2) Telus sent out the very same letter to the North Cowichan City Council that it sent to the CRD, making it obvious that Telus intends to extend its wireless network using grants from the Universal Broadband Fund. Councils must seek or be given the opportunity to consider fiber optic cable as a superior choice. Telus already received $6.7 million from Ottawa to provide internet to rural areas, giving it a significant headstart in expanding its wireless network. Fiber optic cable needs to have more support from both the federal and the provincial governments — and this request for support starts with the local governments. I hope that the No. Cowichan Council receives an application for fiber optic cable grants, and needs information to support this application when it comes.
Telus looking to increase wireless service in North Cowichan
“The telecommunication company plans to provide wireless services to many rural and remote communities in the municipality for the first time, and increase the speed of the service for existing users in North Cowichan.
Council decided at its meeting on March 3 to send a letter to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada in favour of increased wireless connectivity by any provider, and is supporting the application from Telus to provide increased wireless connectivity in North Cowichan with a grant from the federal Universal Broadband Fund, which supports high-speed internet projects across the country.
But council is making it clear in the letter that it has concerns about an upcoming report that is being prepared by the World Health Organization on the health effects of 5G wireless technology, that is expected to be released in 2022.”
Universal Broadband Fund–supported project will bring high-speed Internet to southern British Columbia
“The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how much we rely on our connections. Now more than ever, Canadians across the country need access to reliable high-speed Internet as many of us are working, learning, and staying in touch with friends and family from home. Right now, too many Canadians living in rural and remote communities lack access to high-speed Internet. Through the Universal Broadband Fund’s (UBF) Rapid Response Stream, the Government of Canada is taking immediate action to get Canadians connected to the high-speed Internet they need.
Today, the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development, announced $6.7 million in funding for TELUS Communications to bring high-speed Internet to rural residents of British Columbia. This project will connect 1,977 underserved households in the following regions: Pemberton, Steelhead, Ryder Lake, northwest of Princeton and the north Sunshine Coast.
The $1.75-billion Universal Broadband Fund was launched on November 9, 2020. The project being announced today was approved within three months of the formal launch of the program. Projects funded under the UBF, as well as through other public and private investments, will help connect 98% of Canadians to high-speed Internet by 2026 and achieve the national target of 100% connectivity by 2030.”
3) Toronto was the city Google wanted to make “smart”, but already is.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Toronto swaps Google-backed, not-so-smart city plans for people-centred vision
“We’re often easily distracted by the idea of something new and flashy, but then we learn it’s quite hard to deliver on those promises,” she said. “And while we’re chasing something flashy, the problems become more entrenched and it becomes harder to deal with them.”
In lessening its reliance on technology, Toronto has also sent a broader message to other cities flirting with the prospects of developing their own “smart city”, said Mike Lydon, a New York-based planner
“The original Quayside development was a cautionary tale to many other cities as not to over-promise the outcomes of a smart city,” he said. And with the coronavirus pandemic highlighting the need for human connections, he believes planning decisions will need to centre on residents.
“To bet the farm on technology that redesigns our entire streets and relies on apps and sensors doesn’t really jive with how human beings actually use public spaces – and how they want to live in cities.”

From: Sherry Ridout (name given with permission)
To: crdboard@crd.bc.ca, crdreception@crd.bc.ca, legserv@crd.bc.ca, ssidirector@crd.bc.ca, “colin plant” <colin.plant@saanich.ca>, “rebecca mersereau” <rebecca.mersereau@saanich.ca>, dblackwell@langford.ca, lhelps@victoria.ca, mayorscreech@viewroyal.ca, “susan brice” <susan.brice@saanich.ca>, “barb desjardins” <barb.desjardins@esquimalt.ca>, mayor@saanich.ca, directorjdf@crd.bc.ca, directorsgi@crd.bc.ca, bisitt@victoria.ca, jloveday@victoria.ca, mayor@colwood.ca, mayor@sidney.ca, mayor@oakbay.ca, gorr@northsaanich.ca, “jranns” <jranns@metchosin.ca>, sandrews@langford.ca, mtait@sooke.ca, “ned taylor” <ned.taylor@saanich.ca>, kwilliams@highlands.ca, “ryan windsor” <ryan.windsor@csaanich.ca>, gyoung@victoria.ca, “emay” <emay@magma.ca>, pluckham@islandstrust.bc.ca, lpatrick@islandstrust.bc.ca, pgrove@islandstrust.bc.ca, connectedcoast@srd.ca, info@connectedcoast.ca
Sent: March 12, 2021
Subject: Letter from Let’s Connect Salt Spring
Dear CRD Board Directors,
Having just read the letter you were sent Thursday, March 11, 2021 I hope it may cause you to pause and take a second look at TELUS’ request for your letter of support now that you have more detailed background from which to base your decision. Thanks for considering this option!
Sherry Ridout
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill