1) TechSafe Schools has had 2 of its 3 webinars (the last will be on Tuesday, March 16). The first was about the legal options re Wi-Fi in schools and the second was about the science associated with wifi in schools. The recording of the first webinar is available now and the one for the second should be available tomorrow at the Tech Safe website. I would suggest that you share these recordings, especially with School Board trustees, principals, teachers and parents.
There is no reason for children to be exposed to Wi-Fi, especially when a far superior option is readily available — fiber optic cable. Many schools disconnected fiber optic cables from rooms (I bet the offices still use it) and installed Wi-Fi modems with no discussion with or notification of parents. That fiber optic cable probably is still there, waiting to be connected.
TechSafe Schools National Webinars
2) FortisBC is planning on having gas smeters on all of our homes within the next few years and, like the electricity smeters, this appears to be part of a much larger project, perhaps even worldwide. Because of what we’ve learned about the electricity smeters being part of the 5G grid, we should be suspicious that these will, too. And the major market for gas smeters is the residential one, according to this article. Further invasion of our privacy and security.
Smart Gas Meter Market Worth $2.5 Billion by 2026 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets
“According to the new market research report “Smart Gas Meter Market by technology (AMR and AMI), Type (Smart Ultrasonic Gas Meter and Smart Diaphragm Gas Meter), Component (Hardware and Software), End User (Residential, Commercial, and Industrial), and Region – Global Forecast to 2026“, published by Markets and Markets™, the Smart Gas Meter Market size is expected to grow from an estimated USD 2.0 billion in 2021 to USD 2.5 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 4.7%, during the forecast period. The key drivers for the Smart Gas Meter Market include digitalization of distribution grids and optimization of network operations; asset management of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI); and increasing investment in smart grid technologies to measure and analyze data. Growing emphasis on smart grid initiatives and modernization of gas networks, and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into smart gas meter operations offer high-growth opportunities for the Smart Gas Meter Market.”
3) A colleague in California sent me this information about a light pole/cell tower catching fire in a school field. I have asked him to let me know if he learns of other fires and also if the cause of the fire is made public. This is not the first such fire, and a partial list is available at:
If anyone knows of a (non-arson) one that is missing, please send to me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “cell tower fire” on the subject line.
Stadium light catches fire at South Bay high school
“A light pole with an attached cell phone tower caught fire Tuesday in Chula Vista, causing extensive damage to a stadium facility at a local high school.
The light caught fire at about 7:30 p.m. outside of Otay Ranch High School. The tower collapsed onto the bleachers and rubberized track, damaging the facility but no injuries were reported, according to the Chula Vista Fire Department.”
4) A petition by a student asking for better internet in Gulf Island Secondary School, assuming that means increasing Wi-Fi. I signed advising that fiber optic cable is what is needed to improve internet far beyond any Wi-Fi could. Perhaps others would like to offer some comments, too. I suggest sending the School Board #64 [http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/schools/bcmap.htm] information from the TechSafe Schools so that they are aware Wi-Fi is not the answer or the resolution to this problem.
Improve The GISS WiFi
“With COVID-19 shifting a considerable amount of school work to online platforms such as Google Classroom and Zoom, you’d expect GISS to act accordingly. Students hoped that GISS would improve the WiFi strength. Surprisingly, they have done the opposite.
Unconfirmed reports suggest that Gulf Island Secondary School faculty have switched to a lower Internet plan in hopes to cut costs. While budget measures are understood, this is not the proper solution. We call for a reform of the school internet, improving the speed and capacity of the network. This is necessary for students and staff alike, as the internet strength can often directly impact the quality of our learning. With areas of our education on the line, we call for direct and immediate change.“
or https://tinyurl.com/s552skhs
(click on photo to enlarge)

From: Let’s Connect SSI
To: crdboard@crd.bc.ca, crdreception@crd.bc.ca, legserv@crd.bc.ca, ssidirector@crd.bc.ca, “colin plant” <colin.plant@saanich.ca>, “rebecca mersereau” <rebecca.mersereau@saanich.ca>, dblackwell@langford.ca, lhelps@victoria.ca, mayorscreech@viewroyal.ca, “susan brice” <susan.brice@saanich.ca>, “barb desjardins” <barb.desjardins@esquimalt.ca>, mayor@saanich.ca, directorjdf@crd.bc.ca, directorsgi@crd.bc.ca, bisitt@victoria.ca, jloveday@victoria.ca, mayor@colwood.ca, mayor@sidney.ca, mayor@oakbay.ca, gorr@northsaanich.ca, “jranns” <jranns@metchosin.ca>, sandrews@langford.ca, mtait@sooke.ca, “ned taylor” <ned.taylor@saanich.ca>, kwilliams@highlands.ca, “ryan windsor” <ryan.windsor@csaanich.ca>, gyoung@victoria.ca, “emay” <emay@magma.ca>, pluckham@islandstrust.bc.ca, lpatrick@islandstrust.bc.ca, pgrove@islandstrust.bc.ca, connectedcoast@srd.ca, info@connectedcoast.ca
Sent: March 11, 2021
Subject: Telus & Broadband Funding – What wasn’t said at yesterday’s CRD Meetings
Dear Directors,
We were virtual flies on the wall during yesterday’s Electoral Areas Committee and Board of Directors’ meetings.
We recognize telecommunications is a complex issue and we were squirming in our seats, wishing we could clarify some of your discussion points. Let’s be clear – what Telus is proposing is Internet provided by cellular signals. Their grant application is in direct competition with the Internet the Connected Coast will bring via fiber.
Brian Gregg’s letter in the Agenda package tells us this. It states that Telus wants to expand wireless cellular coverage to the Gulf Islands in order to provide us with “reliable Internet.” It goes on to say, “Internet has become an essential service and provides access for residents to numerous benefits such as tele-health, distance learning, and telework. Today, reliable internet access has become a virtual requirement for commercial and industrial businesses, whether small or large, to operate and develop”.
All of these functions are better provided by fiber connected directly to the home and work place. Telus is attempting to take the place of fiber to the premises on our islands, with questionable results and concerning ramifications.
The Viability of the Connected Coast
Yesterday, doubt was expressed about whether the Connected Coast is going to work. Much time, public money and vision has been invested in this innovative project. Like any grassroots endeavour, it will work if we support it. With our commitment to local self-reliance and economic and environmental wellbeing, the several hundred members of Let’s Connect Salt Spring would be happy to work alongside our elected representatives to insure the project’s success.
Let the Feds Decide?
The funding application you supported for the Connected Coast in January, which would bring fiber to Mayne and Pender and get the fiber out of the sea and onto our islands and into our homes, is critical to the project’s success in the Gulf Islands. By voting to support Telus you are now letting bureaucrats in Ottawa, rather than Gulf Island constituents, decide what form of connectivity is best for our region.
We understand the temptation of relying on a big multinational corporation like Telus to get the job done. But would you let the sugar industry do your grocery shopping?
What is the purpose of cellular 5G?
o If better cell service is the goal, 4G is the answer.
o 5G is not about better cell phone service – it is the gateway to the energy-guzzling Internet of Things. Several reports out of the U.S, China and South Korea show that it is not fast, and it is not working.
o 5G allows a telecom like Telus to demand proprietary equipment (Telus phones). It allows them to control and monitor users’ content and the ads they see. By having a monopoly, a provider like Telus can charge whatever rates they want for service and encourage the use of costly data plans. This is in violation of net neutrality.
Speed & Capabilities
o 5G is never as fast as fiber.
o 5G does not offer symmetrical upload and download speeds like fiber does. This means that with 5G, the young Gulf Islanders we hope to attract will be able to consume content from others with ease, but it will be harder to share and sell the content they create.
o Cell towers and 5G transmitters need fiber. Fiber is the backbone for 5G.
Energy Use
o Studies show it takes about 10 times more energy to send data wirelessly than through wires.
o This does not align with the Islands Trust’s “Environment all the way” agenda, which was spoken of yesterday. Tech upgrades require new equipment and are designed to promote obsolescence and the need for an increasing number of non-essential “smart’ devices. These devices use a lot of embodied energy to manufacture, generate excess e-waste, contain conflict minerals, need to be charged, send excess data to be stored in data centres, which consume a ton of energy….
o In short – 5G, wireless connectivity and their companion, the Internet of Things, are not Green and are major contributors to global climate change.
Elon Musk as Savior and 5G in Space
o A significant number of astronomers worldwide warn that launching tens of thousands of 5G satellites will ruin our dark night sky.
o Weather forecasters warn that 5G in space is interfering with their ability to do their job.
o Pilots warn that 5G in space is interfering with aeronautical navigation.
o Space junk, space collisions – there are many more concerns – but we will spare you.
Costs vs Benefits of Fiber
o Darren Dofher of Baylink – the company awarded the contract to build the sub-sea portion of the Connected Coast – has done a cost analysis of installing fiber to the premises on Salt Spring. He determined that once the installation costs are covered, fiber would be a profitable venture on SSI.
o This likely would not be the case on the other Gulf Islands for several years, but that is what public funding is for.
o Baylink has a cost-effective trenching method for installing fiber underground, which would work on our islands and would mean our Internet could endure the increasing number of extreme weather events we are experiencing in our region.
o San Juan Island has community-owned fiber to the premises. Ironically, their provider is called “Rock Island Communications.” Fiber can be effectively brought to our rocky region. It is a matter of vision and will.
Hidden costs of 5G
o Liability
o There is increased financial risk to local governments who authorize wireless infrastructure due to rising liability claims resulting from wireless harm. Elected officials be warned – most insurance companies do not cover wireless radiation as they deem it very high risk.
o Healthcare
o There will be rising health costs due to wireless radiation-induced illness. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a recognised disability in Canada. Wireless radiation has been deemed a 2B possible carcinogen by the WHO, and is under review to be upgraded. As Director Isset said – following the Precautionary Principle is in order.
o Environmental Costs
o Peer reviewed science shows the effect of EMR on pollinators, soil, water and more, which could threaten agriculture and food security in the Gulf Islands.
o EMR has been linked to increased terpines, which are associated with forest fires, an already growing risk in our region.
o Wireless signals are easily hacked – they are not secure and they invite data breaches.
o Despite some battery backup, 5G wireless is grid tied. What happens to a 5G dependent community when the towers are down?
That’s enough for today : )
Please know that we are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have about fiber to the premises, wireless connectivity or 5G.
Here is a website one of our members has created on community-owned fiber – a great option for the Gulf Islands:
With Regards,
Let’s Connect Salt Spring
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” Walter Elliot