1) SpaceX is advertising widely throughout North America as they continue to shoot more satellites into the skies above us. These are the areas now having “SpaceX service”, aka irradiation.
Someone in McBride told me that many people are experiencing unusual health problems and more doctors are becoming aware of EHS. But before blaming all of this on satellites, people have to control what they can by removing all wireless devices, using wired phones (eliminate cell phones and cordless phones), wired internet access (make sure computers and modems have Wi-Fi capability disabled), etc. Being exposed to these things in close proximity for hours at a time can be very harmful, perhaps as or even more harmful than exposure to the radiation from satellites.
Starllnk says it is aiming at rural areas, but then why are there satellites over every inch of southern BC and many other provinces?
Starlink now available in rural Canada along southern border – January 25, 2021
“Antennas – With 4 powerful phased array antennas on each satellite, an enormous amount of throughput can be placed and redirected in a short time, for an order of magnitude lower cost.”
2) There continues to be funding provided for 5G and “smart” technology at public universities. There already are several “smart” programs at various universities, including UBC.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Research institutions to get funding boost from federal government
A ‘smart campus’ testing lab at Ryerson University to allow researchers to test new smart building, security, lighting, construction and energy efficient technologies ($1.9 million).
5G-powered ‘smart campus’ launched at UBC to boost research into uses for ultra-high-speed wireless
3) Both projects that were mandated under the Clean Energy Act are boondoggles, and we have no idea what the bottom line cost for either will be. The 2 projects are Site C and the smeter program. The Narwhal’s reporting about Site C has been accurate and consistent over the last few years and this is the latest installment.
Sixteen. Billion. Dollars
“That’s the latest, greatest price tag for a project that now holds the dubious honour of being the most expensive dam in Canadian history. Yes, I’m talking about B.C.’s Site C dam….
The Site C dam is being built in a valley that’s notoriously unstable, prone to large landslides. We’ve known this, BC Hydro engineers flagged [potential] geotechnical problems years ago, but as construction began it became apparent that there are very, very serious geotechnical issues. When they announced the price increase — from less than $11 billion to $16 billion — they said 50 per cent of that was due to the geotechnical issues and the COVID-19 pandemic. But the other 50 per cent of the cost increase was not revealed. So it’s just one problem after another with this project and if the date of completion doesn’t move anymore, we’re just barely halfway through. I think we can expect some more bad news announcements.”
4) New 5G equipment is being installed on public property, the right-of-ways owned by municipalities. People will exposed to RF not only in their homes but as they walk, as children play, or in cars. People who are sensitive will be left with no place, even in their refuges or their yards. In the US Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been working to address this issue and will be holding a webinar April 1. Please see Nina Beety’s email below, in Letters.
This problem must be addressed here in Canada as well and perhaps we can benefit from what ADA is learning.

From: “nbeety” (name given with permission)
Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 12:53:14 PM
Subject: Alert: new Access Board webinar: Accessible Public Rights-of-Way (Apr
Very, very important Access Board webinar April 1.
>>>Accessible public rights of way (PROW)
Streets and sidewalks are a major part of the PROW.
This is where 4G/5G small cells and many AMI smart water meters and wireless nodes are located.
When companies install these, it makes the PROW inaccessible to those with EMF-sensitive disabilities and medical conditions.
EMF-emitting PROW installations also block access to the use and enjoyment of the homes of these disabled persons..
Also autonomous vehicles will affect accessibility dramatically with their wireless or LiDAR emissions and infrastructure along roadways.
The Access Board has been working on PROW guidelines for years and has not finalized suggested rules yet. Rules would go to DOJ and possibly DOT for adoption.
Civil rights are being violated and access is being denied to these disabled populations. This is gross discrimination.
The Access Board has acknowledged electromagnetic sensitivities for many years and acknowledged the public that is suffering from these EMF emissions. I encourage one and all to thank them for their past work, bring them up to date, including telling personal stories, and urge them to take the next steps in protecting the homes and access of people already disabled by these emissions.
Nina Beety
———- Forwarded Message ———-
From: “United States Access Board” <access-board@service.govdelivery.com>
Subject: U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Public Rights-of-Way (April 1)
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2021 11:52:58 -0600
U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Public Rights-of-Way (April 1)
Ensuring access to public streets and sidewalks can be a challenge since new guidelines for accessible public rights-of-way have not yet been finalized under the ADA. The next webinar in the U.S. Access Board’s free monthly series will take place April 1 from 2:30 – 4:00 (ET) and will review available resources, namely the guidelines that the Board previously proposed for public rights-of-way and shared use paths. Presenters will discuss common issues and solutions, as well as review proposed requirements for sidewalks and street crossings, curb ramps and blended transitions, detectable warnings, pedestrian signals, on-street parking, street furniture, transit stops, and other components of public rights-of-way and shared use paths.
Visit www.accessibilityonline.org for more information or to register. All webinars include video remote interpreting (VRI) and real-time captioning. Questions can be submitted in advance of the session or can be posed during the live webinar. Webinar attendees can earn continuing education credits. The webinar series is hosted by the ADA National Network in cooperation with the Board. Archived copies of previous Board webinars are available on the site.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss