1) Telus is planning another cell tower In Qualicum Beach, on private land.
“A notice in the PQB News today (p. A40), that a 63.1 m tall “self-support tower structure and ancillary radio equipment situated on private land…” is being proposed for 210 Cochrane Road, Qualicum Bay, BC:
“Telus will host a digital public meeting via the Webex application on Thursday, April 1st, 2021, from 5:00-6:00 pm. …during the public meeting there will be two (2) presentations, including a presentation at 5:00pm and another presentation at 5:30pm. Each presentation will be followed by a question and answer period. For details regarding how to join the Webex meeting, please contact the TELUS contact listed below no later that Wednesday, March 31st, 2021.
Any person may comment by the close of business day on April 12th, 2021…
Telus contact:
Brian Gregg
2) Another lawsuit against the FCC, challenging the policy that would allow antennae and transmitters (including 5G) to be put on private residences. If this is allowed in the USA, it is very likely telecoms will want to do it here in Canada, and all too many people would be willing to make money doing this.
(click on photo to enlarge)

CHD vs FCC –New Case Filed
“I call OTARD the “Wireless Wild West“ rule because it enables an easy and cheap deployment of 5G and wireless by using private homes and by preempting all relevant laws and protections. RFK Jr. justly referred to it as a “draconian” rule. It will likely lead to the most significant proliferation of wireless, including 5G, mesh Wi-Fi networks and the deployment of 1,000,000 antennas for SpaceX’s satellites ground infrastructure by using private homes and property for the deployment.
The preemption of our rights by this rule is unprecedented, as well as unlawful. Under OTARD, homeowners will be allowed, for the first time, to use their fixed wireless antennas to provide wireless data/voice services, including 5G, to users on neighboring properties. People who are adversely affected by the rule and will not want to be “served” and exposed to the involuntary radiation, will not have any right to prevent or even object to these antennas’ installation.
OTARD does not require permit or notice; it preempts state and municipal zoning laws and homeowners’ associations and deed restrictions. It even preempts federal and state disability laws.”
3) Canada wants to lead the world in Wi-Fi, opening more room on the RF spectrum. This will result in more hotspots and even more “portable” devices that emit microwave radiation.
Canada could release more 6GHZ spectrum to Wi-Fi than any other country.
“In November of 2020 the Government of Canada published their public consultation on releasing the 6 GHz band to unlicensed use – and remarkably, the Canadians are taking an even wider stance than the FCC on securing more spectrum for Wi-Fi. The consultation ends next week.
It is likely that Canada will release the full 6 GHz band to Wi-Fi later this year – and in the process, Canada may even be expanding on the FCC’s landmark decision of April 2020. The Government of Canada’s spectrum regulators are suggesting that the full 1200 MHz swath of spectrum in the 6 GHz band be released to low power indoor.
Add to this that Canada might even leap ahead of the US by also allowing the operation of very low power (VLP) portable devices.”
4) In many places, people report dramatic increases in electricity bills after receiving a smeter. Always, as with BC Hydro, the first question is “What changed in your home?” BC Hydro would ask if there had been a lot of visitors or if a new hot tub had been put on the premises.
Customers Ask for Independent Investigation After New Smart Meters Cause Spike in Power Bills
“Oversight board wants independent investigation into Entergy’s new meters, surging power bills
“BATON ROUGE – Louisiana’s Public Service Commission is asking for a third-party investigation into Entergy’s new smart meters after customers reported pricey spikes in their electricity bills.
The commission’s call for an independent investigator comes as Entergy is still conducting its own investigation into the meters. Last month, the oversight board asked for Entergy to look into the devices after some customers reported their bills doubled.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Will Rogers