1) Unbelievable ignorance and arrogance shown by Trustees in Central Okanagan Public Schools. Dr. Bowman teaches English and says she is better qualified to discuss scientific evidence re. Wi-Fi than Dr. Devra Davis [https://ehtrust.org/about/dr-devra-davis/]. There must be some explanation for this attitude and unwillingness to even consider facts.
The newspaper removed my comments, censoring any feedback that counters the prevailing opinion apparently. As many of you know, many Trustees who have been approached by concerned parents and grandparents have reacted the same way — refusing to even consider evidence from experts. Why? Is there some hidden agenda, some conflicts of interest? This just doesn’t make sense to me. According to the Minister of Education, decisions such as having Wi-Fi in a school rests solely with the Trustees.
Radiation risk to Central Okanagan students presentation rejected
School trustees not open to hearing from Dr. Devra Davis with the Environmental Health Trust
“A discussion about mitigating radiation exposure to Central Okanagan Public Schools students got a little heated at the board of education meeting on Wednesday.
Several trustees took exception to a motion introduced by Lake Country trustee Amy Geistlinger to invite Dr. Devra Davis to speak on the issue before the board at some future date….
Trustee Norah Bowman said like Davis, she also has a PhD and is probably more qualified to speak on the issue with her education background and understanding of science-based data conclusions.”
2) The people of Qualicum Beach suffered from lack of transparency and communication when Telus’s application for a new tower was approved by Council. The only way to ensure that such failures do not happen again is to continue to confront the Council members, as is being done by this letter and press release.
3) Telus and its representatives have a history of not providing full and accurate information to communities when they want to erect a new tower. Councils have a history of being too eager to accept whatever Telus tells them, often ignoring what residents say or the evidence that is brought to them. This is from someone about what happened in Gold River not long ago. It will sound similar to what happened in Qualicum Beach.
When talking with Telus’s people, remember they are paid to do one thing: get the tower where they want it. This is happening everywhere because Telus, Rogers, Bell — they’re all the same — need more cell towers to support the 5G grid.
“A few people in Gold River, collected several hundred signatures against the first TELUS cell tower proposal, in exactly the same location, where it stands now, with the result, that they were turned down.
The new Mayor, Brad Unger and the new Council, blatantly ignored this petition.
We provided plenty of science information to each council member, when I made a presentation to them. Only much later, I learned of the petition.
Immediately after I presented, they called for a motion to lobby TELUS for a cell tower, completely ignoring what I just said.
The considerable stack of science information, that was sitting right in front of each councilor, was completely ignored. Throughout the next couple of years, I emailed council members, about every 4-6 weeks, new and relevant information, trying not to to tax their lack of education. They ignored everything!
Our home is only about 120-150 meters from the tower, on top of a little mountain, with the antennas in line with our home.
Today, I would not stand this kind of behavior, when council goes through the motions and without bothering to read anything, carries on as if I was not in the room.
I met the smiling, TELUS lobbyist, Brian Gregg, at the TELUS “information meeting”. He is as slick as they come! At the meeting, I asked him about 5G and the cell tower, but he pretended not to have any knowledge of 5G. ???? One of the TELUS engineers stood beside us, and he did not bother to ask him about it.
I provided him with printed information, loaded with links.
In hindsight, we should not waste our time speaking to these lobbyists, and address the public instead.
At the event, there was no opportunity given to publicly ask TELUS tough questions.
Before the meeting, we spent nearly 500 dollars, on printing and mailing out, a bright yellow information sheet, containing several links, to every home in town.
The timing for this meeting could not have been worse for my family, and on top of it all, the lady who led the previous opposition was away for a couple months. At the time, having just moved there, we had no contacts at all in Gold River.
If TELUS has any “information events”, anywhere, we should see to it that a few members of our group can be there, to expose them for who they are.
Here is the TELUS artist’s rendering, and the reality, Gold River was presented with.
(click on photos to enlarge)
The artist’s rendering of the proposed tower.

Location of tower in midst of homes, near a health centre.

The tower as it sits today right behind a home.”


From: “Safetecinschools”
To: “educ minister” <educ.minister@gov.bc.ca>
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 7:59:57 PM
Subject: #4 Dear BC Minister of Education, Why is our School Officials not educating our children to follow the federally mandated Safety Manual?
Dear BC Minister of Education, Jennifer Whiteside,
– Did you know Apple says, “Read all safety information below and operating instructions before using iPad to avoid injury?”
– Did you know the manual warns that if a user does not handle the iPad exactly as instructed, the radiation level will exceed governments’ exposure limits for humans?
– Did you know the iPad has five antennas?
– Did you know when your child is holding an iPad in portrait mode on their lap or near their chest; the microwave radiation is penetrating their internal organs?
– Did you know that every female is born with all the eggs they will ever have to reproduce?
– Did you know when your child is holding an iPad in landscape mode their hands are covering the transmitting antennas and absorbing microwave radiation directly into their bodies?
– Did you know an iPad emits a burst of microwave radiation approximately every four seconds?
– Did you know that makes 900 blasts per hour in the child’s hands, on their lap, or at their face?
– Did you know the WHO states: “The general population receives the highest exposure from transmitters close to the body… In children… deposition of RF energy may be two times higher in the brain and up to ten times higher in the bone marrow of the skull than in adult users?”
– Did you know the Safety Manual warns of Seizures, Blackouts, and Eyestrain, stating that a small percentage of people may be susceptible to blackouts or seizures (even if they have never had one before) when exposed to flashing lights or light patterns such as when playing games or watching video? That if you have experienced seizures or blackouts or have a family history of such occurrences, you should consult a physician before playing games or watching videos on your iPad.
– Did you know the Safety Manual says to discontinue use of iPad and consult a physician if you experience headaches, blackouts, seizures, convulsion, eye or muscle twitching, loss of awareness, involuntary movement, or disorientation? And to reduce risk of headaches, blackouts, seizures, and eyestrain, avoid prolonged use, hold iPad some distance from your eyes, use iPad in a well-lit room, and take frequent breaks.
Our question is: Why are our School Officials not educating our children to follow the federally mandated Safety Manual that comes with every wireless device?
Janis Hoffmann (name given with permission)
Parents for Safe Schools
Click to access iPad_Important_Product_Information_Guide.pdf
Letter #1 – http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/01/will-you-protect-our-children-from.html
Letter #2 – http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/01/2-dear-bc-minister-of-education-is_19.html
Letter #3 – http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2021/02/3-dear-bc-minister-of-education-will.html
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You’re either part of the solution or you’re part of the problem.” Eldridge Cleaver