1) With recent reports of ongoing hacks into major US government systems, and even a water plant in Florida, obvious vulnerability should cause a reconsideration of the 5G grid connecting every possible wireless device to the IoT. From cars to medical devices to infrastructure to the appliances in our homes will be interconnected and it makes no sense. The benefits in no way justify the potential costs in lives, health and security.
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B.C. health authority’s cybersecurity lacking on medical devices, says audit
“A report by B.C.’s auditor general says thousands of medical devices used to diagnose and treat people lack effective cybersecurity protections….
The audit also found the authority did not evaluate all cybersecurity threats and their risks to patients.
It covered more than 18,000 devices in the Lower Mainland, ranging from infusion pumps to MRI systems, and the infrastructure supporting their operation….
“Health-care organizations are key targets for attackers because health information is so sensitive,” says the 27-page audit. “A successful cyberattack on network medical devices could harm patients and significantly disrupt hospital operations.””
2) This video by Nick Pineault gives an excellent history of research on EMFs. Very interesting information about studies done in the Soviet Union in the 1970s confirming serious health effects at exposure levels mere fractions of Safety Code 6. e.g. 60 uW/m2 or .006 uW/cm2. And they wouldn’t let their military be exposed to levels emitted by cell phones.
Declassified: EMF Dangers Were Known 50+ Years Ago
===> AUDIO PODCAST: Declassified: EMF Dangers Were Known 50+ Years Ago – https://theemfguy.com/039/ (45 min.)
===> VIDEO VERSION: Declassified: EMF Dangers Were Known 50+ Years Ago –
3) Toronto will have an internet network of its own. I haven’t found details about whether this will be fiber optic cable or wireless, or a combination. Perhaps there is opportunity for residents to have input about the method of delivery. Hopefully, other communities will build and own their own network which would allow them to control how it’s built and the rates paid by the users — choosing the safest and best technology (fiber optic cable) and preventing telecoms from forcing 5G transmitters on poles near homes.
Toronto city council approves plan to create new, affordable high-speed internet service
“Council approved the ConnectTO program on Friday, which aims to expand internet access to underserved residents.
“By approving the creation of a City broadband network, ConnectTO will help ensure Torontonians are not being left behind because of the high price of reliable internet service and gaps in the availability of high-speed internet in some areas,” officials said in a news release….
Officials said the program will use City assets like existing fibre cables, lights, buildings, sidewalks and boulevards and internet access will be provided by a private-sector partner.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with, the wind.” Lewis Mumfor