1) Belgian Engineer Miguel Coma’s newest letter explains why we do not need 5G.
How deep is 5G fake news?
“Essentially, the 5G industry is in search of market opportunities. 5G is not a response to market demands5. Nothing can justify new, massive, energy-guzzling 5G infrastructures. Could legislators, providers and consumers who truly aim to reduce energy use, extraction and greenhouse gas emissions prevent unlimited mobile data growth and commit to making use of existing infrastructures?
After months of intensive research and discussions with experts and industry players, I still have not found one convincing need for wide-scale, public 5G networks. At this historic moment, when human immunity needs to be stronger than ever, why would we risk emitting another layer of (untested) electromagnetic radiation on the general public and wildlife? If every Internet user, legislator and provider reviewed 5G’s impacts with due diligence, could 5G private infrastructures be limited to industries that truly could benefit from it?”
2) From 5G Crisis. It’s important for us to know that many people are just as concerned about the increasing levels of EMF, numbers of cell towers, etc. as we are. There are several ongoing legal battles and victories that can be reported. There might be some tactics or ideas that can help in battles here in BC. 5G Crisis has a lot of information on its website that can be useful, too.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Major Litigation Updates & Recent Local Victories
It’s been a strong week for our movement!
3) A new paper on EHS for which only the abstract is available right now. Dr. Mary Redmayne, an Australian researcher, looked at current studies and suggests that EHS is part of a continuum of conditions related to a person’s immune and inflammatory systems which can be affected by exposure to EMF.
Redefining electrosensitivity: A new literature-supported model
“In critically examining literature on electrohypersensitivity and the reported somatic responses to anthropogenic modulated radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure, it becomes apparent that electrohypersensitivity is one part of a range of consequences. Current evidence on the necessity of considering patients’ overall health status leads us to propose a new model in which electrohypersensitivity is but part of the electrosensitive status inherent in being human….
We anticipate this last, dynamic, aspect is inextricably linked to the others through the autonomic nervous system. The whole is dependent upon the status of the interconnected immune and inflammatory systems.”
As a followup to the letter Oona wrote to Jim Abram (see Jan. 30 update Letters: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-01-30-another-ehs-refuge-endangered/)
From: Oona McOuat (name given with permission)
To: jimabram@xplornet.ca
Cc: info@connectedcoast.ca, “Darren Dofher” <ddofher@baylinknetworks.com>, dleitch@srd.ca
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2021 5:57:12 PM
Subject: TELUS, The Discovery Islands and The Connected Coast
Hi Jim,
Just in case the message I sent you Friday went into your Spam, I am reaching out a 2nd time. My original message is below.
I imagine you have submitted your proposal to CIRA by this point. I am wondering if you have been in touch with the CRTC?
It seems to me that there are some unethical maneuvers going on here on the part of TELUS. If I understand correctly:
1. From what you have told reporters in the article found here: https://www.bclocalnews.com/news/quadra-island-director-concerned-about-telus-wireless-plan/, TELUS is lying about the speed of Internet coverage currently available in your region.
2. TELUS appears to be going after the under served communities that they have ignored until now to grab the connectivity funding before regional districts can get it to build their last mile infrastructure that connects to the Connected Coast.
3. From what I understand, the Connected Coast was funded by government primarily because TELUS and other commercial providers would not serve remote coastal communities. To give TELUS the funding to provide a cellular last mile – which likely will not use the publicly owned undersea fiber cable at all – instead of funding local governments to create fiber last miles makes the Connected Coast redundant, but much of the funding for the Connected Coast has already been allocated.
4. Your communities will still not have adequate broadband Internet even if TELUS builds these towers. TELUS is installing macro towers – not small cells – which don’t offer millimetre wave 5G. They are presuming everyone will want to get their WiFi via cellular signals – which are slower, less stable and less secure that Internet provide by fiber connected to the home – and will likely lock customers into expensive data packages.
I would hope regulators would see through this ploy,
Oona McOuat.com
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Confucius