2021-01-29 Will Telus kill Connected Coast?

1) Telus has ignored these islands and communities until now when there is an opportunity for a better, safer, more reliable, more secure means of accessing internet — fiber optic cable. Telus obviously wants to kill that opportunity.

Quadra Island director concerned about Telus’ wireless plan

“Quadra Island Director Jim Abram is not a fan of the latest proposal from Telus to build cell towers on Cortes and Quadra Islands.

Abram, who has worked to improve connectivity on the island for almost 30 years, is suspicious of the company’s latest bid to bring connectivity to the islands, saying that the project has the potential to undermine the Strathcona Regional District’s Connected Coast project. That project is nearing the beginning of the construction phase, and only requires an approval from the province and funding for the “last mile” connection — the cables that bring the internet into people’s homes. However, Abram says that the Telus bid puts that in jeopardy.”

(click on photo to enlarge)


2) In Houston, Texas Verizon has put a huge “ground fixture” in front of homes, as part of the 5G grid. I am not aware of these being installed in BC (yet), and hopefully we can stop 5G before this happens.

Chest Freezer Sized 5G “Lawn Furniture” Courtesy of Verizon; Installation May Cause Burst Pipes and Flooding

“When most people look out their windows in the morning, they likely aren’t expecting to be surprised by a chest freezer-sized box that’s feeding a 5G antenna, but that’s the exact experience some Houston residents have been having. Verizon has been installing the boxes as part of its 5G network rollout since at least 2019, and from the [https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/article/Streamlined-5G-buildout-puts-ground-15889021.php#photo-20522171 | reporting done by the Houston Chronicle] , it seems as if it’s been anything but smooth.

The boxes are known as “ground fixtures,” and they supply power and data to 5G antennas that are placed on utility poles nearby. The ones gracing people’s front window views are being set up to build out Verizon’s 5G home internet service.”



Petition – https://www.5gcrisis.com/open-letter-to-biden

3) Dr. Don Maisch is recommending a new book entitled:

THE MICROWAVE DELUSION: Why ‘Smart’ Wireless Means We Are Dying Younger in Poorer Health and Endangering the Wellbeing of Our Children.”

“Excerpt from the press release:
The Microwave Delusion is the story of how one man’s personal experience of the damaging health effects of low-level microwave radiation became part of an international campaign to hold the mobile phone industry to account for its defective safety practices.

This book charts industry dirty tricks, government indifference and the rise of independent science over industry-controlled studies, leading to campaigns, political action, legal judgements in mainland Europe, North America and Israel and action to protect children in schools: a change of process which many countries are adopting and which British health authorities, politicians and those with a duty of care are the slowest to acknowledge.”

THE MICROWAVE DELUSION (re-posted due to error in previous post)


4) A member sent information about a great group devoted to reducing digital/screen addiction in children, and introducing them to life away from the video games, etc. Very interesting and lots of good ideas to reduce time spent with wireless devices. Addiction is a major problem and is one that can be discussed without bringing in the “health” issue which so many people want to avoid. But there is nothing at all that I could find about protecting the health of children by reducing or eliminating exposure to EMR, not even a warning about not sleeping with the phone. This group would be a great one for parents who are aware of EMR to join, to help educate other parents who are so concerned about wireless technology.



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”  Aldous Huxley




Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation