1) A member sent me a link to a group that says it liaises with people concerned with “rights and freedoms”, smeters, Wi-Fi, etc. This group is Freeman of the Land which claims to have legal means to help in various ways. In fact this fringe group, like Sovereign Citizens, uses legal terms to confuse and obfuscate for its own agenda. Years ago, some members of our group tried to follow suggestions to use these and similar tactics to avoid being forced to get a smeter. They paid a lot of money for “assistance in filling out forms”, printing, notarizing of letters, sending via registered mail — for naught.
Some of the terms may sound familiar to you from other sources.
2) In the January 12 Update [1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-01-12-fiber-optic-internet-for-coastal-areas/], I shared an article announcing that fiber optic cable will be coming to coastal communities. Some Hornby Island and Denman Island residents want to be one of the “connected communities”.
Hornby/Denman group lobbies for high-speed internet infrastructure
“A working group has appealed to rural directors to help bring high-speed fibre optic internet infrastructure to Hornby and Denman islands, which fall within Area A of the Comox Valley Regional District.
The process would involve joining Connected Coast, a consortium to bring improved internet to coastal communities.”
From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
To: “Krenz, Michael (IC)” <michael.krenz@canada.ca>,
Sent: January 13, 2021 6:04:13 PM
Subject: Who does ISED serve?
Dear Mr. Krenz,
Would you please be so kind and inform X, how many Billions of dollars, the Canadian Government and ISED, received from the telecom industry, in air wave auctions and siting fees?
How many times has ISED met with telecom industries representatives, including TELUS?
How many times has ISED met with members of the concerned public, like X, who oppose to have their homes irradiated by cell towers, in violation of our constitutional rights?
How many industry affiliated staffers, are members of ISED?
How many members of the telecom industry, sat around the table, when Canada’s non protective Safety Code 6, was imposed on the unsuspecting public?
How many medical doctors and bioscience experts, participated in drafting the “thermal effects only”, Code 6? How many?
Would you please be so kind and explain to X , why Health Canada’s, James McNamee’s, one (1) week mouse study, is scientifically more relevant, than thousands of peer reviewed studies, including the very recent, two, 10 year, NTP, and Ramazzini study. Ramazzini, is one of the world’s most renown science institutes. In case you do not know, the NTP study was commissioned by the FCC.
Why does ISED allow, that TELUS, and other telecom corporations, deliberately withhold the latest international studies from the unsuspecting public, such as NTP and Ramazzini, which clearly shows scientific evidence of adverse health effects, to man and the environment?
My previous question to ISED, why TELUS lobbyist, Brian Gregg, is allowed to hand out decades old, outdated science, as much as 3 decades, was not answered by operations manager, Mr. Ries, nor you. Would you please be so kind and do so now?
Did any telecom lobbyist, or ISED, ever pointed out the condensed science information from the Bioinitiative Report, (1800, peer reviewed studies) Colour Chart, to councils, or members of the public, like Mrs. Dowe? Is the public not entitled, to learn of the latest science, Mr. Krenz?
(click on photo to enlarge)

Final RF Charts power density Rev Sep14.xlsx (bioinitiative.org)
The highly condensed research results, listed in these Colour Charts, are deeply disturbing, as they report adverse health effects, are far, far, below, Canada’s, archaic, non protective Code 6.
These Colour Charts are easy to understand, and designed not to require interpretations by scientists.
Even electric engineers, directors and spectrum managers of ISED, should be able to comprehend, its dire health implications.
Why is this important? A few days ago, I measured 547,000.00uW/m2, of radiation exposure, at a residence, located below a TELUS cell tower, where the homeowner is experiencing severe health problems. The instrument I used, was recently laboratory, accuracy tested.
I was told by other residents, living below the cell tower, that they too suffer from poor health, and illness relapses, since the tower was installed.
By the way, TELUS’s lobbyist Mr. Brian Gregg, deceived the public of this area, with an artists rendering that does not remotely matches the hideous, massive industrial structure in any way, that now looms over homes, decimating property values and people’s health.
The rendering provided by TELUS shows a modest, slender, elongated street lamp, resembling a couple Chinese ginger jars. In reality, TELUS installed an huge cell tower, loaded with countless transmitters!
Is ISED ok with such deliberate public deception, by TELUS?
I can provide you with TELUS’s highly misleading rendering, and photographs of the actual cell tower monstrosity, if you like.
If ISED is not interested, in this heinous act of public manipulation by industry, I like to ask you, who is ISED supposed to serve, the public, or the telecom industry? Who do you serve?
My family paid a horrendous price, for Health Canada’s, shoddy, industry friendly science.
Why does ISED allow, unscrupulous and deceitful, telecom industry’s lobbyists, to mislead councils, and thousands of concerned citizens, like X?
Is ISED familiar with the phrase, “war gaming science”, as termed by one of Motorola’s executives?
I would appreciate a fair response to this letter, and request that you spare both of us the indignity of a meaningless form letter.
As an independent EMF Consultant, whose close family member suffered terribly, from the massive radiation saturation of the environment, from the wireless industry, the usual pat on the head by government bureaucrats, that all is well, will not cut it.
Marcus Schluschen
EMF Consultant
From: Krenz, Michael (IC)
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 9:01 AM
To: X
Subject: RE: Telus backed down
Good morning X
My apologies for taking this long to reply, it’s been a busy start to 2021 here at ISED.
Yes, I am aware of the Riondel cell tower issue as the district offices in BC all belong to the Western Region of the spectrum program. AS detailed in CPC 2-0-03 ISED does have a role to ensure that proponents follow the requirements including and LUA consultation requirements and all other obligations. Each case is reviewed on its own merits.
Our previous conversation I discussed dispute resolution processes that are detailed in the CPC 2-0-03 document. My point was that during my career I have been involved in only a few impasses. Again, each impasse request is reviewed on its own merits. Across Canada and on Vancouver Island there have been a variety of decisions from impasse requests from stakeholders.
604 506-6740
From: X
Sent: January 2, 2021 6:02 PM
To: Krenz, Michael (IC) <michael.krenz@canada.ca>;
Subject: Telus backed down
Jan. 2, 2021
Michael Krenz, Pacific Regional Director, ISED
Mr. Krenz: We thought we should draw this to your attention. Are you aware of this cell tower in Riodel? I believe you said you had not had any cell tower turned down in your 30 years in your position?
We would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Thank you kindly,
for the Concerned Citizens regarding Telus cell tower at Qualicum Beach
Telus backs off planned cellphone tower in Riondel
Telus says it will not build a cellphone tower in Riondel that was met with community opposition.
A spokesperson for Telus told the Nelson Star that the project was put “on indefinite hold” in June….
“I understand that’s why [ISEDC] then told Telus they didn’t follow the protocol, and if Telus wanted to proceed they will have to redo their public consultation.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” A. A. Milne