2021-01-12 Fiber optic internet for coastal areas

1) Great news for the coastal area of BC. A local company has won the contract to connect many coastal communities to fiber optic cable for high speed, safe and efficient internet access. This is a major publicly-owned project that could be the first of many, setting a precedent that many of our communities could learn from and follow.

Baylink Networks awarded construction contract for Connected Coast

“Baylink Networks is a private company based in Port Coquitlam, B.C. that specializes in providing turnkey undersea networks.

“We’re excited to be part of the Connected Coast project, connecting remote coastal communities of British Columbia with high-speed internet,” said Darren Dofher, CEO of Baylink Networks. “We look forward to seeing what economies will develop in these communities with state-of-the-art infrastructure and limitless bandwidth. We would like to thank the extended team that worked diligently to get the project underway.”

The Connected Coast will bring high-speed Internet accessibility to rural and remote communities along coastal B.C., Haida Gwaii, and Vancouver Island. It will connect communities to a subsea fibre-optic network that will run from Prince Rupert to Haida Gwaii, down the Sunshine Coast, and around Vancouver Island. The cable will provide 159 landings at rural and remote coastal communities, including 48 Indigenous communities representing 44 First Nations, with the opportunity to connect to high-speed internet. It is anticipated that this project will be completed at the end of 2023.”

(click on photo to enlarge)




2) Despite the strong push for smeters for more than 10 years, penetration in the USA is still less than 60%. Not all states require smeters and, as stated in the article, some utility commissions are setting more stringent standards than were set for the initial participants. If only our BCUC would take another, better, more stringent view of the smeters as they are being replaced and “updated”….

U.S. Utility “Smart” Meters at 57% Penetration — More Planned Despite Complaints, Problems, Costs and Opposition

“The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 2020 assessment of smart metering and demand response indicates continuing increasing penetration.

The report presents the latest available estimates of advanced meters in the US at December 2018 from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) at 86.8 million and from the Institute of Electric Innovation at 88 million. These correspond respectively to penetrations of 56.4% and 57.1%, based on a total of 154.1 million meters.”



3) The EMF Medical Conference will begin on Jan. 28. It is accredited so doctors will earn credits for learning more about EHS and the health effects of EMR. Here is more information you can share with your doctor.

“… view the December 3rd interview of Elizabeth Kelley, MHA, Executive Producer of the EMF Medical Conference 2021, and Elizabeth Seymour, MD, Medical Director of the Environmental Health Center – Dallas (USA) on how doctors can diagnose and treat their patients who report signs and symptoms related to EMF illness. This is the primary goal of the upcoming EMF Medical Conference 2021. Theodora Scarato, Environmental Health Trust, conducted this interview. ” (video 1:03 hr.)


or    https://tinyurl.com/yyeql7n8

4) Non-EMR. Site C, the mega-project which would provide BC Hydro’s power to fracking corporations and ruin much of the Peace River Valley environment, is being reviewed after budget projections and timing surpass expectations, again. We have a chance to let our MLAs and Premier Horgan know that we want this stopped now [https://www.leg.bc.ca/learn-about-us/members].

How many reviews that say Site C is unneeded and too expensive must be done before the NDP stop this debacle?

Site C dam construction takes staged return to work while cabinet ponders project fate

“Provincial health orders aimed at controlling COVID-19 slowed work on dam, but it does continue as cabinet reviews independent assessment of its future….

B.C. Premier John Horgan commissioned Milburn’s report before the provincial election, maintaining an open mind about whether or not to continue with or cancel the project. Opponents hope the report will be the evidence needed to finally kill the troubled project.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.”          Theodore Roosevelt


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation