1) A member sent this YouTube which is an ad about the wonders of DDT, and how it will make everyone’s life so much better. The similarity to the situation re. cell phones and other wireless devices is uncanny. And hopefully, in the not too distant future, people will look at the ads for cell phones and cringe. DDT was banned for use (except for emergencies) in the USA in 1972 and in Canada in 1985 (https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/throwback-thursday-ddts-history-canada) even though DDT, like EMR, is classified as a 2b carcinogen by IARC. Why is this? Perhaps we should be asking our politicians at all levels.
DDT: Let’s Put It Everywhere 1946
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UiCSvQvVys&feature=share or https://tinyurl.com/DDT1946 (5:45 min.)
2) An Oregon group, 5G Free Oregon, has generously shared a report prepared by a very well-respected lawyer, Andrew Campanelli, about municipal rights re. transmitters and towers. The report is quite long and I have not read it, but it is in this email that I received. Hopefully, there will be some ideas that we can incorporate in our battle to limit the proliferation of wireless transmitters and to obtain rights for our municipalities to play a role in determining how the infrastructure grows.
“5G small cells are popping up all over in Portland and in other cities.
I invite you go to our website home page to find out why you should be concerned: www.5Gfreeoregon.org
In July, we commissioned one of the top attorneys in the USA on FCC regulations and cell phone towers. We raised $9,000. to pay for his legal research, and he was really worth it.
His report (43 pages – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Memorandum-by-Andrew-J.-Campanelli-re-3-Ordinance-Revisions-re-Placement-of-Wireless-Facilities-in-City-of-Portland-Oregon-2020.pdf or https://tinyurl.com/yy45llc4) is a road map on what not only Portland but any city can do to regulate and limit the deployment of wireless equipment. We sent a letter to the mayor to follow up with him and the city councilors regarding the Campanelli report recommendations. Our letter to the mayor here: https://5gfreeoregon.org/news/
5G Free Oregon
PS A quick way to know more about 5G:
Please take time to look at Dr Russel Witte presentation on the major problem with the 5G small cells.
FORWARD to about 23 minutes in the video where Dr Witte explains why YOU DO NOT WANT 5G small cells installed a few feet away from your home, office and schools.
3) A reminder about a free webinar about how to locate cell towers/transmitters. You must register.
EVENT – Is There a Cell Tower Near You? Join Our Free Tutorial to Find Out
Free EMF Tutorial to Help you Find the 5G Celltower Locations Near You
“This 30 minute online public training, being offered January 6th through 16th by EMF Expert Founder, Electrical Engineer Chris Young, will help you learn where the 5G tower locations are, how to understand what important information they tell you, and what you need to know about them to be safer.
Subscribe to the EMF Medical Conference 2021 Free eNewsletter (find the subscriber request box at the bottom of the emfconference2021.com homepage) to learn more about the upcoming 5G tutorial January 6-16 2021, and how to register for this popular free webinar.
The EMF Medical Conference 2021 Free eNewsletter will also provide you with news of many other conference freebies being held in the coming weeks leading up to the live online Conference (Jan.28-31, 2021).”
(click on photo to enlarge)

4) Another free webinar on Jan. 14 at 7:00 PM PST sponsored by the Building Biology Institute. Registration is required.
Making the invisible visible ~ A visual guide to EMFs and their effect on people and their environment
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Francis of Assisi