2020-12-29 Telecoms as Utilities in US

1) A member sent this which was attached to the article in the Washington Spectator (Wireless Hazards) that I shared in yesterday’s update [1) https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-12-28-verizons-5g-affects-5g-phones/]. The FCC is willing to promote 5G and proliferation of microwave radiation, ignoring any scientific evidence of harm, warning that economic “recovery” would be threatened.

Regulators Steamroll Health Concerns as the Global Economy Embraces 5G

“…“5G conspiracy theories threaten the U.S. recovery,” Thomas Johnson Jr., the Federal Communications Commission’s general counsel, declared: “Conjectures about 5G’s effect on human health are long on panic and short on science.”

According to Johnson, “if we delay 5G deployment based on irrational fears and unproven theories, it will only hurt the American people.”


2) In the USA, the large telecoms actually have become utilities that, it is being argued, should be regulated by and answer to State Utility Commissions. The infrastructure, which is comprised largely of copper lines and fiber optic cable which is is needed for cell towers, transmitters, etc., are part of states’ utilities. Might this be true in Canada as well?

AT&T, Verizon & CenturyLink are State Public Telecom Utilities

“Going after Big Telecom is a challenge because industry lawyers and lobbyists have rewritten history and blanketed the place with fiction. Truth be told, there is a disconnect between myth and reality about their telecommunications and cable services.

Many people are calling to make the Telecom’s broadband infrastructure a utility. It already is and has been hiding there in plain sight….

Every State Still has a State Public Telecom Utility — Hidden, Yet in Plain Sight

In every conversation, virtually no one knows that there are still State Public Telecom Utilities (SPUTs). Even the California Public Utility Commission leaves out the basic “U” word in recent proceedings, as does the FCC in every proceeding.

But the laws in California and in almost every state, make it clear that** the wires are part of the utility covered by utility laws**.

AT&T, Verizon & CenturyLink are State Public Telecom Utilities


3) A member sent this transcript of a very interesting interview with Cece Doucette that is an easy yet educational read, and which would be excellent to share with people new to the issue.

(click on photo to enlarge)

James Perloff Interviews Wireless Educator Cece Doucetter About The Health Risks of Wi-Fi, the Coming 5G and What People Can Do To Protect Themselves and Their Communities



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.” Confucius



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation