1) Institutions and agencies in other countries are taking actions which, to my knowledge, have not been taken by any in Canada. This was sent to me by a member, and even though it is more than a year old, it is still significant. BC hospitals bragged that they have Wi-Fi to accommodate visitors, and have cell towers on their roofs for the money, while their patients are extremely vulnerable to the effects of RF exposure. This is in addition to all of the wireless devices the doctors and nurses are forced to wear and use.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“. Wi-Fi is disabled and replaced with ethernet connections in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Neonatal unit.
. Parents are educated to keep cell phones away from children and out of the pediatric units.
He pointed out that the pilot project indicated that the use of Wi-Fi at the Pediatric Intensive Therapy Unit (PITU) creates levels of continuous and uninterrupted passive as well as significant active exposure at levels much higher than biologically-based safety criteria.”
2) This has nothing to do with EMR, BC Hydro or any of the topics normally included in the updates. IMHO this is information that deserves to be getting attention, yet I have seen nothing about this in any mainstream media. Perhaps we should all send to our local newspapers. While people are suffering financially, our provincial government is using funds to bolster the PR and reputation of Dr. Bonnie Henry, the provincial health director who refuses to answer any of our concerns or emails about increasing levels of EMR, about children being exposed to wifi in schools, or about microcells being put outside our homes. She now has her face on T-shirts, murals, gets awards, all thanks to this PR campaign thanks to our tax dollars. Why wasn’t the government’s communication department enough???
Exclusive: NDP government hired a spin doctor for Dr. Bonnie Henry
“Behind the scenes, the folk song-inspiring, Fluevog-wearing provincial health officer has her own spin doctor, who billed taxpayers more than $84,000 during four months earlier this year….
The contract was awarded under emergency provisions of government procurement rules, but later increased to a maximum $149,900 through March 2021.
Documents obtained by theBreaker.news under the freedom of information law show NLK billed $8,400 for 40 hours in February and then averaged more than $25,000 a month from March through May. The government was supposed to release more-recent invoices on Oct. 6, but decided to delay until after the election.
In February’s budget, the NDP government allocated $28.3 million to Government Communications and Public Engagement, the arm of the Finance Ministry that plans, coordinates and delivers communications programs, policies, research and services across government.
The Ministry of Health communications office inside GCPE boasts a roster of 16 employees, including three managers, a director, a coordinator and 11 public affairs officers.”
3) More info. about speakers at the EMF Medical Conference in January.
Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF Associated Illness
Speaker Spotlight with Christopher D’Adamo, PhD, Director,
University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Integrative Medicine
speaking on
Evidence-based Tools for Developing a Discriminating Eye for Dietary Supplement Quality – Focus on EMF Mitigation
“Based on his research, he recommends supplements that can support the body’s response to EMF exposure by reducing calcium loss and oxidative stress. But he emphasizes that taking supplements does not substitute for limiting and mitigating EMF exposure conditions.”
From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
To: “Ries, Bernie (IC)” <bernie.ries@canada.ca>,
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 6:38:23 PM
Subject: Re: Update on 147 foot cell tower, 2045 W. Island Hwy. Qualicum Beach
Dear Mr. Ries,
As I expected, ISED is unwilling to take a stand for health, as your form letter clearly illustrates.
Industry friendly, Health Canada, dismissed hundreds of studies, including the recent, peer reviewed, 10 year, US government funded, National Toxicology Program, NTP, and Ramazzini study, on cell tower radiation, of which the NTP Study was twice peer reviewed. Twice, Mr. Ries!
Why? Because both of these monumental, 30 million dollar studies, discovered biological health effects, which met the Hill Criteria of Causation on all levels.
Since Health Canada’s outdated research only accepts thermal effects, they dismiss these studies as “irrelevant”, as nobody in this institution is willing to risk their high salaried careers, by standing up to what clearly is wrong, since they are aware of Health Canada’s history of litigation against their own scientists.
As an EMF Consultant, I am unfortunately all too familiar, through horrific personal experiences, of the adverse biological consequences from man-made, electro-smog pollution that permeates from cell towers into every corner of peoples homes, and throughout the environment.
Telecom industries’ biologically active radiation is imposed on every human, without informed consent.
This is nothing less than willful, criminal neglect, as the radiation pollution, imposed on our planet by the telecom industry, supported by ISED and Health Canada, is an uncontrolled, unauthorized, biological experiment on an epic scale.
Exposing the public, without informed consent, to biologically active radiation is in gross violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights, and an affront to the Nuremberg Code of Human Right, to which Canada is a signee.
The Nuremberg Code, clearly states:
“ . . . this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.”
Who owns your body, Mr. Ries? Who owns my body and the bodies of my family? Who owns the plants, insects and animals in nature? Does industry own them all, for the sake of profit? Have we all become servants of corporate powers?
“February 20, 2013. I just returned from a hearing in Montreal in front of the Superior Court of Quebec where Health Canada scientist, James McNamee, admitted that the Safety Code 6 guideline for microwave radiation (which includes radiation from most of the devices we are concerned about like mobile phones, cell phone antennas, Wi-Fi, wireless toys and baby monitors, smart meters etc.) is based ONLY on preventing a heating effect!”
“Let me state that again. Health Canada admits that Safety Code 6 for frequencies between 100 kHz and 300 GHz are based ONLY on heating. “ – Dr. Magda Havas
Are you aware of Health Canada’s, James McNamee’s, one week (1 week!) mouse study, which they celebrated on their website as the most comprehensive study ever? They started Monday morning and finished by Friday afternoon. Pure absurdity!
At the same time, this industry friendly organization refused to consider the scientific merits of the two 10 year studies, by the US National Toxicology Program and the world renown, Ramazzini Institute.
The Ramazzini Institute collaborates with the Collegium Ramazzini, an international academy with about 180 fellows in 32 countries, experts in the sector of occupational diseases and environmental medicine.
How is it possible, that such stunning incompetence, by Health Canada, is blindly accepted by ISED?
Non consensual, public cell tower radiation exposure, and the insane rollout of 5G, constitute serious health and human violations of human rights.
When major insurance corporations, such as Lloyds of London and underwriter Swiss-Re, refuse insurance for health damages caused by radiation from the telecom industry, should this not ring bells at ISED?
Because of Health Canada’s and ISED’s shocking industry bias, this year’s Christmas will not be happy for my family.
Merry Christmas, Mr. Ries,
Marcus Schluschen
EMF Consultant
P.S. You, your doctor, and everyone at ISED is invited to attend the EMF Medical Conference 2021/ Continued Medical Education/ CME. https://emfconference2021.com/;
This online course is intended for doctors and medical staff, but also for anyone who values long term health of their family. There is a very short video trailer, by doctors and scientists, well worth the time to watch.
Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF Associated Illness
January 28 – 31, 2021
A Virtual Conference
The EMF Medical Conference (EMFMC) 2021 will convene leading physicians, clinicians, and scientists for a series of presentations on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of EMF associated illness. Experts in EMF assessment will present proven methods that can prevent or limit EMF exposure hazards.
Continuing Medical Education/CME
From: Ries, Bernie (IC)
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 2:16 PM
To: Marcus Schluschen
Subject: FW: Update on 147 foot cell tower, 2045 W. Island Hwy. Qualicum Beach
Thank you for your email expressing health concerns about radiofrequency (RF) exposure related to 5G technology and its predecessors.
To protect the health and safety of the public, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) has adopted Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 (SC6), as the Canadian RF exposure limits for wireless devices and their associated infrastructure. These limits were developed using a science-based approach consistent with other parts of the world, including the United States, European Union, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. These limits, which already cover the frequency ranges that will be used by 5G devices and antenna installations, are set far below the threshold (at least 50-fold safety margin) for all known established adverse health effects and provide protection for all age groups, including children, on a continuous basis (24 hours a day, seven days a week). As the responsibility for developing SC6 lies with Health Canada, please direct any questions regarding its development or any research concerning the effects of RF energy to that Department.
With respect to your concerns about 5G deployment, similar to current wireless devices and associated infrastructure, 5G devices and antenna installations must meet RF exposure requirements before they can be sold or operated in Canada. Compliance is an ongoing obligation, regardless of the technology used. ISED maintains a market surveillance program and routinely audits antenna installations and devices to verify compliance with SC6. Additional information can be found on our “Radiofrequency Energy and Safety” website.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with our Department.
Bernie Ries
Operations Manager, STS-Western Region
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada / Government of Canada
bernie.ries@canada.ca / Tel: 250-216-0728
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
This is the last update until Dec. 26. I hope that you and your loved ones have a wonderful, happy and safe Christmas.