1) Dr. Devra Davis asks why we should be proceeding with 5G technology when China admits that the costs appear to outweigh the benefits. This is what we should be asking our politicians and telecoms. When fiber optic cable is a requirement for the 5G grid, why not go the extra step and put fiber optic to and into homes and businesses, whether urban or rural. This is a better option in just about every possible way.
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Why The Race To 5G Is A Mirage
“You may have heard that we are locked in a technology battle with China over commercializing 5G. That conflict turns out to be more hype than happening, designed to whet American appetites for competition and pave the way for more subsidies to the global multi-trillion dollar telecom industry.
Former national finance minister, Lou Jiwei warned last month that existing 5G technology in China is immature and quite expensive. Increased electricity costs to fuel 5G in 2019, he recently warned look to be 10 times the profit of China Telecom — one of three state telecom companies of China….
The Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology, concluded a white paper on the topic of 5G and the economy, “It is difficult for ordinary consumers and industry users to see the long-term benefits and rewards of 5G.””
2) A breast cancer surgeon in LA expresses frustration that the FCC (like Health Canada) says cell phones are safe while he is seeing teenagers with breast cancer after tucking phones in their bras.
New Studies Link Cell Phones to Breast and Thyroid Cancer Risk
“One study from Taiwan concluded radiofrequency radiation exposure significantly increased the risk of breast cancer, especially in women 50 and older who use cell phones and laptop computers. Orange County breast cancer surgeon Dr. John West said he’s not surprised because he’s treated multiple teen girls who developed breast cancer after constantly tucking a smart phone into their bras….
The Federal Communications Commission and the cell phone industry say their testing indicates radiation is minimal and cell phones are safe.
A second study out of Sweden links cell-phone use to increasing rates of thyroid cancer in Nordic countries. West said he thinks the government and the mobile industry are ignoring the science.
“It’s just so frustrating that nobody is listening,” he said. “I worry about the women and the men who are unaware of just how risky this behavior could be.”
Hidden deep within most cell-phone manuals, you’ll find guidance that recommends storing phones away from your body. are ignoring the science.
Here is one of the studies referenced in the article. The other study was in an update a few days ago. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/23/9129
Exposure to radiofrequency radiation increases the risk of breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
“When using a mobile phone, a close distance between the phone and the breasts exists, and the breasts are exposed to significant amounts of radiofrequency radiation, which contributes to DNA damage and promotes the development of breast cancer (3). In addition, it has been reported that melatonin is a hydroxyl radical scavenger, and decreased expression of melatonin has been indicated to enhance the oxidative damage and increase breast cancer risk (52). Chang et al (53), conducted a randomized controlled trial to estimate the effect of iPad notebooks on melatonin expression. Their results indicated that electronic devices such as iPads delayed the onset of expression and suppressed the level of melatonin (53). Therefore, the radiofrequency emitted by mobile phones or electronic devices can induce both DNA damage and the suppression of melatonin expression. Suppression of the production of melatonin may cause an increased production of estrogen, resulting in a subsequent increase in the risk of breast cancer.”
3) Researchers at a university are designing labels that warn about privacy issues/features of a “smart” device. But nothing about the radiation that these things produce and the health risks posed by using them.
Proposed label would tell you security and privacy features of smart devices
“We have increasingly been hearing about security and privacy problems with smart devices that are connected to the internet. All of these devices, from doorbells to thermostats, could one day have what’s almost like a nutrition label on them.
The label would tell you about the security and privacy features of the device….
“When they’re making a more considered purchase for their home or if they’re giving it as a gift to some else or if it’s something that’s more sensitive, I’m not just buying a light bulb, but I’m buying something that’s health-related or something that has a video camera attached to it and I want to know where that video data is going, then I expect people will pay attention,” said Lorrie Cranor, Director of CyLab.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Every day brings new choices.” Martha Beck