1) Katie Singer’s 9th “Letter to Greta”. All of her letters can be found at: https://www.ourweb.tech/letters-to-ecologists/
How to revise our consuming love affair with electronics
“Our digital society consumes extraordinary amounts of energy and extracted ores. One smartphone contains more than 1000 different substances, each with its own energy-intensive, toxic waste and greenhouse gas-emitting supply chain.1 In his 2015 paper, On Global Electricity Usage of Communication Technology, Huawei consultant Anders Andrae predicted that by 2030, info-communications-technologies could consume 51% of global electricity and emit 23% of greenhouse gases. Globally, we discard 53.6 million metric tons of electronics every year.
To reduce this love story’s destructive parts, to live within our ecological means, we need to respect nature more and decrease our dependence on technology. How on Earth do we do that?”
2) From Stop5GInternational, a petition, the Healthy Heavens Trust Declaration, written by an international environmental lawyer. The petition and a video about it are available at: https://www.5g-ilan.com/ . Please consider signing and asking friends and family who care about this issue to sign as well. Among the points in the petition is this very important one that must be emphasized whenever possible:
“Whereas optical fiber and other wired options offer well proven, safer, more reliable, cyber-secure, environmentally protective solutions to internet access;”
(click on photo to enlarge)

Please sign international declaration to halt FCC Satellite program.
“The legal proposition to be tested in the Petition for Emergency/Expedited Rulemaking, and in the subsequent judicial appeal, is whether five FCC Commissioners acting arbitrarily and capriciously can legally approve blanket licenses for 80,000+ low orbit, non-stationary satellites and millions of earth stations, for the benefit of a few powerful satellite companies — in flagrant disregard of international and federal law, and the national and international security risks — and to do so without any requirement that the satellite companies indemnify the U.S. government or the international public, or provide reasonable insurance covering the increasingly likely harms.”
3) Further to the large legal win for New York City which results in fiber optic cable being provided to homes in poorer neighbourhoods and areas that had poor internet access. More and more communities understand the benefits of having fiber optic cable instead of wireless internet.
Happy Holidays for NYC — ½ million lines of Fiber Optic, Instead of the Inferior Wireless 4G/5G Substitute
“Verizon’s intention has been to substitute inferior 4G/5G wireless (with data caps). Fiber optic service currently doesn’t have data caps, it has a great deal more speed, is more reliable and is capable of handling a family stuck at home and spending a lot of time online….
Today’s (Nov.24) settlement will ensure that 500,000 households that previously lacked Verizon broadband access because of a corporate failure to invest in the necessary infrastructure will have the option of fiber broadband, and create critical cost competition in areas where today only one provider exists.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.” Albert Schweitzer