1) For more than 4 years, it has been known by various agencies in France that many of the most popular cell phones emit RF radiation in excess of the SAR limits (2.0 W/kg in France, 1.6 W/kg in North America) by many times. And the telecoms and the national agencies that set standards have misled the public and customers by “assuring” them that the SAR limit is very conservative. This is the same “junk” we get re. Safety Code 6 with Health Canada saying that the limits are way below those levels where biological effects appear. NOT TRUE.
BTW, neither Health Canada nor the FCC have taken actions to inform the public about the cell phones in violation, and neither have any phones been pulled from the market, as has occurred in France.
Phonegate: the safety factor of 50 for local SARs never existed!
“For more than twenty years, governments, the European Commission, national agencies, international scientists and in turn, major media, have knowingly misled billions of cell phone users about the health risks associated with a pseudo safety factor of 50 surrounding the measurement of local specific absorption rates (SARs) (head, trunk and limbs).”
(click on photo to enlarge)

2) Dr. Hardell shared a recently published report that shows a remarkable increase of thyroid cancer in women, by 300% from 1999 to 2017, which appears to be consistent with use of cordless and cell phones.
Dear All,
We have just published the included paper.
Note the extremely steep increase in thyroid cancer incidence during recent years especially in women.
Best wishes,
Lennart Hardell
Is the Increasing Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in the Nordic Countries Caused by Use of Mobile Phones?
“During use of the handheld wireless phone, especially the smartphone, the thyroid gland is a target organ. During the 21st century, the incidence of thyroid cancer is increasing in many countries. We used the Swedish Cancer Register to study trends from 1970 to 2017….
The thyroid is exposed to radiofrequency (RF) radiation during use of mobile and cordless (DECT) phones [14]. This is especially the situation for smartphones that have been increasingly used since the early 2000s. In our previous study, we postulated that exposure to RF-radiation might be a causative factor for the increasing incidence…
Thyroid cancer incidence has been steeply increasing in Sweden and all Nordic countries during the 21st century. Use of the handheld mobile phone is increasing, in particular, the smartphone gives high RF radiation exposure to the thyroid gland. It is postulated that this might be a causative factor for the increasing incidence supported by human epidemiology that has shown an association between mobile phone use and thyroid cancer.”
3) Some information about a few of the experts who will be presenting in the EMF Conference Jan. 28-31. I hope you will consider sending info about this conference, perhaps some of it in this article, to your doctor. If you do, please tell them it is accredited.
Wireless Microwave Radiation is Neurotoxic: Case Study
“Wireless radiation exposures are cumulative, additive and synergistic with other neurotoxins. Dr. Gunnar Heuser, renowned neurotoxicologist, presents his study of 10 patients with EMS or Microwave Sickness who all have similar abnormal results using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) brain scans….
Mold mycotoxins are neurotoxic and patients with this illness are at increased risk of developing EMS. Dr. Mary Ackerley will discuss mold illness at the conference. Traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, multiple chemical sensitivity, chemical exposures, and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Autism, and Parkinson’s all have an increased risk of Electromagnetic Sensitivity or Microwave Sickness.”
4) Reality hits the comics:
From: Hans Karow (name given with permission)
To: “Pungente, Ken (IC)” <ken.pungente@canada.ca>
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 4:48:38 PM
Subject: FW: Planned Rollout of 5G (fifth generation technology) Wireless Telecommunication – Warnings about biological effects should be heeded! Dr. Anthony Miller’s Testimony
Mr. Ken Pungente
Director, BC Interior and Yukon, Spectrum Management Operations Branch
Innovation Science and Economic Development / Government of Canada
Ken.Pungente@canada.ca / Tel: 250-470-5033
Dear Mr. Pungente,
Please find attached [see below] a letter sent to elected officials along with a testimony from Dr. A. Miller and his CV plus list of publications.
Please comment to my letter and to Dr. Miller’s testimony where you, on behalf of ISED, do not agree with any of the statements mentioned in both attachments.
Thank you,
Hans Karow, MEng, SCS
– November 19, 2020 letter to elected officials – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Letter-by-Hans-Karow-to-Elected-Officials-re-Planned-Rollout-of-5G-November-19-2020.pdf
– Dr. A. Miller’s Testimony – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Letter-of-Testimony-by-Dr.-AB-Miller-to-Penticton-City-re-Exposure-of-the-Public-to-Wireless-3G-4G-5G-Feb.04-2020.pdf
– Dr. A. Miller’s CV – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Dr.-Anthony-Bernard-Miller-CV-February-06-2020.pdf
– Dr. A. Miller’s List of Publications – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Publications-by-Dr.-AB-Miller-January-26-2020.pdf
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.” Khalil Gibran