1) URGENT, for those in Winnipeg, to sign a petition if you don’t want a microcell near your home.
2) On December 7, there was a panel discussion about 5G that included many experts, as well as Rodney Croft, Chair of ICNIRP. Because of the time difference, most of us were not able to watch it “live”. Fortunately, the video of the complete discussion (2 hours) was provided to Kate Kheel. I haven’t watched it yet but certainly intend to. Summary points are provided below thanks, I believe, to Maurizio Martucci.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“This summary was sent to me by a 5G activist in France. Here’s a link to the recording with English translations where needed.”
Summary points from Panel:
The 1st videoconference on the Health and Environmental Impacts of 5G took place yesterday, December 7.
The organizing STOA is a “Scientific Forecasting Unit of the European Parliament”, an official body composed of parliamentarians, who invite various scientific experts. Their role is to identify useful long-term strategies for EU committees by evaluating scientific data, including those related to new technologies.
Excerpts from the analysis by Maurizio Martucci of the Italian Stop 5G Alliance
European Parliament, turning to 5G: “We need a moratorium!”
Researchers, politicians and scientists isolate ICNIRP
by Maurizio Martucci
Above all, the two most important political data that emerged today from the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA), organized by the European Parliament on the socio-health and environmental dangers of the Internet of Things :
1) The growing awareness of the risks incurred by European citizens in opposition to 5G has officially entered the agenda of the parliamentary work of the EU committees in Brussels.
2) The certainties limited to thermal effects built since 1992, and the reliability of the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are called into question.
The speakers were invited to answer three main questions :
1. Is the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection’s (ICNIRP) 2020 risk assessment of the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic fields sufficiently robust and reliable to define protection policies?
2. Are the exposure limits recommended by the ICNIRP for electromagnetic fields, which are based primarily on short-term tissue warming effects, sufficiently protective to avoid damage from exposures at lower levels and over the long term that are below the ICNIRP limits?
3. Is there sufficient independent research on the health and environmental effects of 5G that would help to reassure the public and minimize future liability?
Among the MEPs the meeting was chaired by French Michéle Rivasi (Greens/EfA group) and Bulgarian Ivo Hristov (Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats), member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. The special observer at the workshop was Rodney Croft, a Philosophy graduate, Australian lecturer in psychology and the new chairman of the controversial International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
For Arno Thielens (University of Ghent, Belgium), the ICNIRP produces a partial and non-exhaustive documentation of the available biomedical literature, notably silent on the impact on the ecosystem (flora, fauna).
For Gérard Ledoigt (Clermont University, France), “non-ionizing radio frequency waves represent a toxicity and the ICNIRP is not adequate for this study, a moratorium on 5G is necessary for an independent study that clarifies its effects”. According to
Elisabeth Cardis (Institute for Global Health, Barcelona), there is “a lack of research on measurement protocols, exposure, as well as in vivo and in vitro experiments to assess the impact of 5G on health”, while scientist Fiorella Belpoggi summarized her position on the results of research conducted in Italy by the Ramazzini Institute.
The conclusion, moderated by David Gee (Institute for Environment, Health and Society at Brunel University in London), led to an appeal to MEPs not to subject all Europeans to experimentation. Michèle Rivasi: “It is necessary to give us time to produce the required studies. Especially on plants, micro-organisms and genetic stress. Continuing the deployment of 5G, for and against everything, means once again putting the European population in the position of guinea pigs and exposing the most sensitive to a global, massive and unacceptable risk”. This is a step forward compared to last year, when a first workshop on the dangers of 5G, with Martin Pall, Marc Arazi, Piernciola Pedicini, Klaus Buchner and Michèle Rivasi, had just addressed the subject.
Nantes Métropole (660,000 inhabitants) has obtained a moratorium on not lighting up 5G and stopping the installation of antennas until a contradictory debate open to the public and covered by the media takes place and until the National Health Agency’s report due in March.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.” John F. Kennedy