1) One of the reasons many of us are so frustrated is that the government agencies that exist to serve and protect the public are negligent, they ignore the scientific evidence that we and our environment are being harmed by EMR. Are the people in Health Canada, FCC, WHO corrupt or incompetent, or are they serving corrupt or incompetent bosses? Science must not be suppressed.
Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science
When good science is suppressed by the medical-political complex, people die
“Politicians and governments are suppressing science. They do so in the public interest, they say, to accelerate availability of diagnostics and treatments. They do so to support innovation, to bring products to market at unprecedented speed. Both of these reasons are partly plausible; the greatest deceptions are founded in a grain of truth. But the underlying behaviour is troubling.”
2) Correction from a member to an item in the Update of November 26 [2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-11-26-clinical-guidelines-re-ehs/]. Obviously I don’t know the difference between airpods and iPods. Sorry for my stupidity. I looked at a couple of online Apple AirPod manuals and couldn’t find a single warning about RF or suggestion for precautions that should be taken. IMHO this is shameful, given the measurements taken in the video in the update of Nov. 23 [1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-11-23-the-netherlands-naked-truth-about-5g/].
(click on photos to enlarge)

“I wanted to let you know that Apple AirPods are different than Apple iPods. Apple iPods are media players so they are not in the ear. It is a good reminder to carry them at least 5mm away from the body.”
3) From EMR Australia’s November newsletter at:
How many doctors, scientists and countries have to call for a moratorium on 5G before anything is done?

Doctors say halt 5G, Chile
“One hundred and thirty five Chilean doctors have written an open letter to the Minister of Health, calling for a halt on the rollout of 5G technology until it can be demonstrated that it doesn’t harm human health or the environment.”
https://uxtr.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Carta_Abierta_Dr._Enrique_Paris_UXTR_VersionFinal_.pdf (in Spanish – pg. 7)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“No science is immune to the infection of politics and the corruption of power.” Jacob Bronowski