1) Not EMR but BC Hydro. After having the BC Utilities Commission reject applications for 2 programs, the Liberal Government under Campbell decided to ignore democracy and the public by passing the Clean Energy Act in 2010. These 2 projects were/are Site C and smeters. Contrary to public interest and due diligence, there was no oversight by BCUC and still hasn’t been a reckoning of costs.
On Thursday, there was a webinar hosted by Narwhal, to which I listened, learning a lot about the many and ongoing problems with Site C. It is still far from being completed and some of the destruction of the Peace Valley could be prevented, as could some of the billions of dollars yet to be spent. The cost is now in excess of $12 billion. I hope you will listen to the speakers in the 80 min. video and consider writing to your MLA, Energy Minister (new cabinet: Minister of Energy, Mines & Low Carbon Innovation Bruce Ralston <EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca>) and Premier John Horgan about this dangerous, expensive fiasco. Contacts for these people can be found at:
www.stopsmartmetersbc.com under “CONTACT” – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/.
(click on photo to enlarge)

‘The coverup continues’: critics slam B.C.’s handling of Site C dam project’
“The coverup continues. Site C should be cancelled.”
That sentiment from former BC Hydro president and CEO Marc Eliesen was the major takeaway from our panel discussion on Thursday about the future of the Site C dam, the most expensive public infrastructure project in B.C.’s history.
We organized the event to address the influx of questions following our B.C. reporter Sarah Cox’s blockbuster investigation (see below) into the troubles facing the dam. Cox obtained freedom of information documents that revealed major problems with the project were kept from the public for more than a year.
B.C. Introduces Clean Energy Act
“Opposition New Democrat energy critic John Horgan said the act weakens the utilities commission and gives the provincial cabinet more power to control mega projects.
“The projects that are exempt are the only significant projects on hydro’s inventory for the next 20 years, and none of them will have the appropriate oversight,” he said.
In 2009, the utilities commission rejected BC Hydro’s plans to buy power and Horgan said the commission is now being punished for thwarting the government’s will.”
Sarah Cox’s investigative report Oct. 21, 2020:
Top B.C. government officials knew Site C dam was in serious trouble over a year ago: FOI docs
“Even so, the documents paint a picture of a project rife with growing geotechnical issues and risks as well as safety and quality concerns — and facing a rising risk of cost overruns and schedule delays — long before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down much of the province and temporarily scaled back the Site C dam workforce in mid-March….
“It looks like we’re going to lose $10.7 billion on this project. That would take care of the homelessness problem, unequitable incomes, First Nations health and several other things, all at once.” …
Two new expert reports, including one written by McCullough, conclude British Columbians will save money if the Site C dam is immediately cancelled by the new provincial government following the Oct. 24 election. ‘”
2) Cece Doucette and the people of Massachusetts have continued to fight having smeters placed on their homes and the “modernization of the Electric Grid”, which we know entails implementing 5G. She has kindly shared the proceedings which are continuing with the Department of Public Utilities. This includes the testimony re. smeter issues by scientists, doctors, legislators and the members of the public. Cece thought that perhaps some of the testimony might be helpful or could be used as reference since this is part of the public record.
Go into the link below and enter 20-69 in the “Enter Docket Number” box.
Investigation by the Department of Public Utilities on its own Motion into the Modernization of the Electric Grid – Phase II.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Metes
“Where is all the knowledge we lost with information?” T. S. Eliot