1) Rogers’ 5G is now available in more than 35 communities in Ontario and 130 areas across Canada. Here is a list including BC areas that was included in the Sept. 1 update.
(click on photos to enlarge)

from https://financialpost.com/telecom/rogers-says-5g-network-will-expand-to-more-than-60-cities-and-towns-by-year-end
All of these are in addition to other other telecoms’ grids, including Bell and Telus.
Ontario’s Largest 5G Network Reaches Over 35 Towns and Cities Across Province
“Rogers Communications today announced it is expanding its 5G service on Canada’s most trusted and reliable network2 to reach residents and businesses in over 35 communities in Ontario and 130 across the country. Today’s expansion is just in time to support the latest 5G devices so customers in these locations on Rogers Infinite and Rogers for Business Shared Unlimited Data plans have access to the very best in wireless technology on Canada’s first and largest 5G network.”

from https://www.valuespectrum.com/corporate_news/498085-ontario-s-largest-5g-network-reaches-over-35-towns-and-cities-across-province
2) A free multi-day virtual event sponsored by various technical firms re. 5G implementation and expansion, etc. In the details I see nothing re health or privacy issues. This mostly like will appeal to the more technical people in our group. On one of the pages, Huawei is shown as being a sponsor. This will be translated into English.
Register for the third edition of “5G Italy”
“it is my pleasure to invite you to register to 5GItaly2020, promoted by the Italian National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni), a fully virtual, free, event….
This year’s is the third edition of 5GItaly and it will focus on implementation and deployment issues, in light also of the ongoing pandemic and the need to relaunch the Italian economy. This is the reason why we will be talking also about 5G and NextGenerationEU (Recovery Fund), a growth opportunity strictly linked to our Italian capability to come up with innovative projects and create new enabling services, with an infrastructure that will definitely need improvement.”
3) Non EMR but it pertains to BC Hydro’s Site C. The NDP were silent on this issue in the recent election, and it is an issue about which they argued when they were in opposition and the projected costs were far less. The problems are many and serious — including costs increasing dramatically. Here is a webinar Nov. 26 hosted by Narwhal and their reporter, Sarah Cox, who has done excellent reporting on Site C.
B.C.’s Site C dam: where do we go from here?
“Join The Narwhal and our panel of guest speakers for an hour-long discussion on reporter Sarah Cox’s recent investigation into the project’s geotechnical problems and escalating budget.”
4) The people who have fought so hard to prevent a new Telus cell tower from being erected near schools in Qualicum Beach continue to attempt to educate the Council members and to tell their constituents about the failure of the Council members to consider the scientific evidence that has been available that could have been presented to them before they made their decision. Please see letter below. The people of QB have set an example of tenacity and persistence that we all should remember and emulate.

From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 4:49 PM
To: editor@pqbnews.com
Subject: Cell Tower Radiation Pollution
Cell Tower Radiation Pollution
Dear Editor,
Decisions regarding bio-cellular sciences, carrying serious health repercussions, especially for the elderly, young and unborn, must never be left to councils who lack the necessary science credentials. Would councils be allowed to make medical decisions only trained physicians are qualified to make?
Qualicum Beach Council’s foolish decision to disallow medical presentations by two physicians, experts in adverse health effects from of non-ionizing radiation as emitted by cell towers, is beyond comprehension! Instead, they chose to seek advice from TELUS’s lobbyist, with no medical credentials, who hands out scientifically outdated papers in order to attain TELUS’s monetary objectives.
Public Health Crisis statement from 15 medical/science organizations – read in full at: phiremedical.org [https://phiremedical.org/2020-nir-consensus-statement-read/]
1. RFR has been proven to damage biological systems at intensities below ICNIRP* guidelines. (incl. Canada’s, Code 6)
2. Public exposure to RFR is already harmful and will rise with the deployment of 5G.
3. Exposure is unavoidable, contravening the Human Rights Act for those who do not consent.
4. Multiple international governmental health advisory groups are biased by conflicts of interest.
*ICNIRP: International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
Thousands of peer reviewed studies, archived at the University of Aachen, Germany, identified radiofrequency microwave radiation as a toxic agent.
The TELUS lobbyist withheld the latest medical research from the public, regarding the US National Toxicology Study (NTP) commissioned by the US Federal Communications Commission, and the Italian Ramazzini Study on cell tower radiation. Both 10 year studies met the Hill Criteria of Causation, on all counts, prompting urgent demands by former WHO science advisors to an immediate reclassification to 1A (known human carcinogen).
As independent EMF Consultant, I provided Q.B. Council with this information, and warned that cell tower radiation easily penetrates homes, which they ignored.
Marcus Schluschen
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Mark Twain