1) It is very convenient to have a list of studies at hand to support or to include in a letter. I’ve shared other sources, and here is another with more than 1000 studies.
1003 Abstracts with Electromagnetic Field Harms Research
2) As if satellites and microcells covering every inch of the earth with 5G signals aren’t enough, now companies are considering if drones might fill gaps, perhaps over oceans. Why should sea life be allowed to escape this radiation?
(click on photo to enlarge)

5G: Using drones to beam signals from the stratosphere
“Plans to beam 5G signals to the public via drones that stay airborne for nine days at a time have been announced by two UK firms.
They want to use antenna-equipped aircraft powered by hydrogen to deliver high-speed connectivity to wide areas.
Stratospheric Platforms and Cambridge Consultants say they could cover the whole of the UK with about 60 drones.”
3) People who are sensitive often are unable to do things and go places the rest of us take for granted because of EMR. Wi-Fi has become nearly ubiquitous and it will become worse wiith 5G and the increase in EMR from the dramatic increase in the number of wireless devices and transmitters. People with EHS need to be accommodated in public buildings like schools, libraries, hospitals and in workplaces, stores, etc. but they aren’t in Canada. In Australia, where environmental sensitivities (which includes EHS) are recognized under the Disability Act, this has not worked its way into the building standards. A review of the standards provides an opportunity to correct this for people in Australia. I wonder if there are any similar regular reviews of building standards in Canada.
EHS sufferers: Have your say on access to buildings review
“The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources is reviewing the Disability (Access to Premises – Building) Standards 2010. These standards are reviewed every five years. The goal of the Premises Standards is to ensure that people with a disability and their family members, carers and friends have equal access to public buildings. The standards apply to new buildings, renovations on buildings and could apply to existing buildings. Common areas in apartment buildings are also subject to the standards.
The current Premises Standards make NO provision for people who are electrically sensitive.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” Aristotle