This is major news — and I hope you will take the time to read the report which is only 15 pages of easy reading. The minority report, written by industry members on the commission, is another 10 pages or so.
Here is the link to the report:
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Please Share With Your Legislators, Towns, Schools & Health Care Teams
(click on photos to enlarge)The Final Report of the Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology is the first of its kind in the U.S. to assess the independent science and public policy surrounding today’s wireless technology. They reveal great evidence of harm and failure of industry and government agencies to protect the public.
The report contains 15 recommendations to address inadequate federal protections, educate the public on risk management, engage the medical community, install safe hard-wired technology, monitor and map radiation exposures, and more.
The report is now with the NH Governor, House Speaker and Senate President to act upon.
Please review the report and share with the decision makers in your area who to date may only have received misleading and harmful industry messaging. Please forward to your:
. Federal legislators
. State legislators
. Town municipal boards
. School officials
. Health care providers
. Colleagues
. Neighbors
. Friends and family
Use this official report as a springboard to ask for similar legislation and immediate protections in your community.
One Person Can Make a Difference!
NH resident Deb Hodgdon engaged her Representative Patrick Abrami in a conversation about the biological harm from today’s wireless technology.
As an engineer, he’d been taught you have to have heat from a wireless antenna to have harm.
So, he investigated the science and had a major WOW moment after seeing the extensive body of independent scientific research showing great biological harm — and you don’t need heat.
Rep. Abrami drafted a bill, then he and Deb drove down to my house in Massachusetts where we spent the afternoon helping him to connect the dots further on wireless harm, showing additional science, the legal fine print, insurance industry policy exclusions, what other countries are doing, FCC failure to protect the public, safe technology solutions, and more.
He introduced H. 522 and arranged for an hour and a half hearing with the House Committee on Science, Technology and Energy. Retired Microsoft Canada President Frank Clegg flew in to testify. EMF scientist and McGill University medical school Professor Paul Heroux, Ph.D., drove down to testify.
I drove up from MA to testify alongside other citizens who understand the harm, and/or have loved ones who are ill from wireless radiation exposures.
The industry held an information session that morning for the committee touting the benefits of 5G. While the lobbyists attended the public hearing in the afternoon, none of them went on record to testify for the bill.
The House reported the bill out favorably, then it went to the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services, chaired by medical doctor Senator Tom Sherman. After hearing testimony, the Senate reported the bill out favorably too, and Governor Sununu signed the bill into law to form a commission to investigate wireless radiation and 5G.
The commission consisted of:
. Two medical doctor legislators (Dr. Sherman, Dr. Woods)
. Three engineer legislators (Reps. Abrami, Wells and Sen. Gray)
. An independent EMF scientist (Dr. Heroux)
. A university academician (Dr. Chamberlin)
. A parent citizen (Ms. Ricciardi)
. Two industry representatives (Ms. Cooley, Mr. Juvet)
. Three state agency members including the Attorney General’s Office (Mr. Garod), the Department of Health & Human Services (Ms. Roberge), and the Department of Business and Economic Affairs (Ms. Miller)
Note, three commission members wrote a minority report, contained within the full report, which reflects the industry perspective. Another commission member, Ms. Ricciardi, on p. 384 provides information to counter misleading information in the minority report.
Click on the report below.
Please share this communique widely.
With the rise in 4G/5G small cell installations outside our homes, 5G satellites in the sky, utility “smart” meters on our houses, and wireless devices being given to every student for COVID schooling, we are seeing a new wave of sickness in children and adults alike.
The NH report can empower our civic leaders to take action ASAP to lead us to safe technology — but only if we share this information.
Thanks, as ever, for your time and consideration.
Kind regards,
Cecelia (Cece) Doucette, MTPW, BA
Technology Safety Educator
Director, Massachusetts for Safe Technology
Outreach Coordinator, EMF Medical Conference 2021
Founder, Understanding EMFs
Education Services Director, Wireless Education
City of Boston Legal Comment to FCC
HiBR Conference @ NIH
Expert Forum on Wi-fi in Schools
Municipal Presentation on 5G & EMFs
Additional YouTube EMF Talks
Generation Zapped Award-Winning Film
EMF Conference for Health Practitioners
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts for Safe Technology, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because we have been in touch about wireless radiation risks and safer technology solutions.
Our mailing address is:
Massachusetts for Safe Technology, P.O. Box 393, Concord, Massachusetts 01742
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It’s not the voting that’s democracy; it’s the counting.” Tom Stoppard