1) CREST towers are being installed across BC (probably Canada) supposedly to provide better communication systems for First Responders. Salt Spring Island fought and prevented having one erected in the middle of town, near residences and senior citizens’ homes. In the US, FirstNet is the equivalent communication system and Susan Foster has shared a letter she wrote objecting to attempts to put these towers on or near fire stations. Susan fought for years to help make fire stations freer of EMR. She has given permission to share her letter or to quote from it, especially with Councils, so long as you do not make changes and you credit her.
In the US, AT&T was given an uncontested multi-year contract worth $46 Billion and is combining FirstNet with 5G. No doubt the same will happen here because CREST would be considered vital and most people would not object as much as having a cell / 5G tower nearby. But ISED (Industry Canada’s) policy allows more transmitters to be put on any existing structure without notification or consultation. This makes an easier way to get macro 5G towers erected.
As we know, a major justification/goal of the 5G grid is to gather data down to a very personal level. And FirstNet (and I am assuming CREST) has not only the goal of providing First Responders efficient communication but also to obtain and share data down to the very personal level — a great fit with 5G. Please see the train of articles below.
I recall reading that there are plans for CREST and FirstNet to co-mingle, but I have not been able to find it. If someone can find it, please send to me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “CREST” on the subject line and I will share.
Susan Foster’s Letter:
AT&T in deal with American Tower for 5G and FirstNet
“American Tower has extended its agreement with AT&T to provide towers across the US for its 5G roll-out and for its FirstNet emergency service.
The companies said it was a “multi-year” and “long-term” agreement but did not specify a time period or a value for the contract….
AT&T won the contract to build and operate FirstNet, the US government network for first responders, in 2017 and the telco is now rolling out the service. It has a 25-year contract worth $46.5 billion to build the nationwide network, which uses 4G technology.”
US government finally signs $46.5bn deal with AT&T to build FirstNet emergency network
“The FirstNet build-out is also fueling future 5G capabilities. “As we deploy FirstNet, we’re installing hardware that could be upgraded to 5G with a simple software release,” Stephenson said. “As a result, we’re on track for nationwide 5G coverage by the first half of 2020.””
AT&T Creates FirstNet For Law Enforcement Surveillance
“FirstNet also promises to help agents “connect to critical databases to identify whether detained persons have been previously apprehended for violating immigration law by quickly and efficiently collecting biographic (e.g., name, date of birth, place of birth) and biometric information (e.g., 10-print fingerprints, photo image), which are submitted remotely to said databases.” The document also promotes FirstNet’s support of other data-heavy technologies, such as live video streaming from drones.
2) Government funding is subsidizing fiber optic cable for internet for coastal communities. Is this being done to aid Rogers and Telus or to allow these communities direct access for community networks? I wonder because the last mile, that portion that connects the homes to the FOC, is not included. This is where wireless transmitters and towers could take over if the communities do not demand hard-wired FOC access which, BTW, would be less likely to be affected by weather.
CityWest to refresh subsea fibre optics project
“A subsea fibre optic network project that will run from north of Prince Rupert to Haida Gwaii, then south along the B.C. coast to Vancouver is being refreshed after a COVID-19 slow down and the company transition to a new CEO, CityWest said in a news release on Oct. 13.
The Connected Coast project will construct and operate a subsea fibre-optic network to provide 154 landings at rural and remote coastal communities. This will permit high-speed internet opportunities to 13 Regional Districts and 56 Indigenous communities representing 44 First Nations, CityWest said.”
The Connected Community is a project that claims to be working with each community to provide
Bringing high speed internet accessibility to rural & remote communities along coastal BC, Haida Gwaii and Vancouver Island.
What is last-mile connectivity? Why isn’t it being completed as part of this project?
“The Connected Coast project provides ‘backbone’ infrastructure only. It does not include last-mile connectivity for communities to connect to the high-speed infrastructure. Last-mile generally refers to the final leg of telecommunications networks that brings the service to homes and end retail customers. The last-mile solution will be unique to each community depending on their aspirations, resources and existing connectivity landscape. Community-based institutions and ISPs that offer last-mile services will be able to connect directly to that backbone infrastructure.”
(click on photos to enlarge)

Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.” Mark Twain