1) A member who is chemically sensitive has sent these articles with a warning, hoping to prevent others from suffering the way she has for the last 28 years.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“Please be very careful when using hand sanitizers and all chemical cleaners. If misused or over-used, it is very easy to develop chemical sensitivities/allergies.
If possible, always use an ordinary soap to wash your hands instead; and do not use antibacterial soap which can create “super bugs” resistant to antibiotics.”
5 hand sanitizers added to Health Canada’s evolving recall list by Sarah Rieger – CBC News – October 13, 2020:
“The COVID-19 pandemic created high demand for hand sanitizers. Health Canada said in June that it permitted the temporary use of technical grade ethanol — if manufacturers chose an authorized supplier and obtained Health Canada’s permission first.
Technical grade ethanol contains more impurities than pharmaceutical or food grade ethanol, so it requires a warning that the products are only for adults, not for those pregnant or breastfeeding and shouldn’t be inhaled or used on damaged skin.”
Sanitizing-gel poisoning cases spike among Spanish children amid COVID-19 pandemic – Reuters Madrid – October 14, 2020:
2) Another excellent article from Katie Singer about “smart” phones/computers and the true costs behind these convenient gadgets.
Behind our screens
“Before its end-user turns a smartphone (or any computer) on for the first time, robotic machines must design it. Miners must extract ores. The ores must be washed, then shipped to smelters. Refined materials and manufactured solvents and bent plastics must be transported to assembly plants. Packaging must be designed and built. The final product must be transported to its end-user.
Each station in this international supply chain consumes energy and emits greenhouse gases (GHGs) and toxic waste. Miners and assembly workers often endure hazardous conditions. Rivers and lakes get polluted by “tailings” (emissions from refining ores). Oceans get acidified by cargo ships’ bunker fuel.
Every smartphone includes 1000+ substances4, each with its own energy-intensive, toxic waste-emitting supply chain.”
3) A terrific achievement by 5G Winnipeg Awareness to have the City of Winnipeg include “small cell technology review” on their public platform asking for feedback before 5G trials begin. On the “Engage Winnipeg” page, there is a section with a poll and survey allowing comments.
Urgent STOP 5G CALL TO ACTION – For Winnipeg Residents
To “hit pause” on thousands of 4G & 5G cell antenna installations throughout Winnipeg
1. Complete the poll and survey on the City of Winnipeg website – by Nov.6th – https://engage.winnipeg.ca/
2. Sign the online petition to Mayor Bowman and City of Winnipeg Councillors – https://5gwinnipegawareness.ca/
Here is a handout (double-sided, 4 per page) that people in Winnipeg can print out and hand out:
Marg said she would be glad to send a WORD copy for those who would like to modify it for their area elsewhere.

https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ofccp/faqs/americans-with-disabilities-act-amendments &
This is a letter Nina Beety wrote to her county officials in California regarding a contract to expand wireless services, interfacing with FirstNet. We should review the Can. and provincial disability acts to determine what rights people, who are either sensitive or who have conditions that could be exacerbated by exposure to EMR, have.
October 12, 2020
I am disabled by electromagnetic sensitivity. I experience serious disabling health effects from the radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation emissions of wireless devices including antennas, Bluetooth, cellphones, wireless internet, and wireless utility meters. I qualify as disabled under the definition of “disability” in the Americans with Disabilities Act/Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act and in California disability rules.
I am providing you notice that you write my disabled request into this agreement with ________________ that nothing increases the dB or power density for any frequency in and around my house because life-threatening effects can result to me. I need the county and its contractor to design any system so that it doesn’t commandeer my house and that it will not add or change anything to the county’s current system that will exacerbate my situation and medical condition.
I request assurance from the county that this project will comply with ADA/ADAA and state equivalent rules and with Fair Housing rules (FHA/FHAA) as it pertains to me, and that its design and components will not harm me or violate my disabled rights under these federal and state rules.
Please let me know who the point person is on this project in the county and in the contracting company and their contact information.
Does the county require insurance coverage which has no pollution exemption and no EMF exclusion? Otherwise, the county and its contractor are not covered for liability on what can sicken and kill me.
I am not asking you to regulate emissions in a manner that will trigger preemptive federal rules. I am asking that you will help me establish and maintain a low EMF zone at and around the specific and individual locale of my home such that I may use and enjoy my home without exacerbation or discrimination. Any design of a business plan or a county policy for telecommunications usage must be able to comply with federal and state laws regarding discrimination. Otherwise, that plan or policy will interfere with my equal protection and discriminates against me and my disabled status in favor of other persons.
My request is reasonable and readily achievable, and it can be informed by accessing and reviewing the ADA Title II Technical Assistance Manual.
Nina Beety (name given with permission)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists – to protect them and to promote their common welfare – all else is lost.” Barack Obama