1) In Letters below is a petition that is being supported by Paul Manly, MLA Green Party asking for those with EHS to be accommodated. The closing date for signatures is Oct. 19. Please consider signing it and having your friends and family do so as well. It is asking for:
“We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:
1. Create an international classification of disease designation code in Canada for environmental sensitivities so that those affected may have access to medical care;
2. Include environmental sensitivities as a disability that must be accommodated on all relevant documents and forms in governmental departments and organizations that minister social assistance, housing, medical, and other public services; and
3. Ensure all indoor public spaces are declared scent and fragrance-free.”
2) “Smart” devices, like Alexa, are gathering data that can be used by third parties such as police. When the 5G grid is up and working, data will be gathered by “smart” devices and sent via the IoT to even more “third parties” without our permission or police warrants.
Meet the Star Witness: Your Smart Speaker
“Earlier this month, Amazon said it had received more than 3,000 requests from police for user data in the first half of this year, and complied almost 2,000 times. That was a 72 percent increase in requests from the same period in 2016, when Amazon first disclosed the data, and a 24 percent jump in the past year alone.
Amazon doesn’t provide granular data on what police are seeking, but Douglas Orr, head of the criminal justice department at the University of North Georgia, says police now look for smart home data as routinely as data from smartphones. Data on a smartphone often points officers towards other devices, which they then probe as the investigation continues.
By amending a search warrant, police can “keep going to keep collecting data,” Orr says. “That usually leads to an Echo or at least some other device.”“
3) Approval of the application for a Freedom Mobile 40 meter cell tower in the District of Lantzville is on the upcoming Council meeting agenda, and a member has provided the portion of the agenda that applies to it. The staff recommendation and additional info is on pages. 216 onward. Apparently, there was little concern raised, with letters only from one person. According to the information by Freedom Mobile, the site is in an industrial area with the closest residence some distance away. Freedom Mobile says it will hold a 4G transmitter but no 5G for now.
(click on photos to enlarge)

“Re. the District of Lantzville PDF agenda: here is the link to the pertinent last half of the agenda;
– P117 – 255. Scroll down to pages 216, 219, 220, 252, 253, 254, 255
The proposed cell tower is the one you spoke of in your “Update 2020-07-25 – More cell towers & 5G spoof info. #3)” with attached newspaper advert. I believe I misread google earth’s view and the tower will go on private industrial land just up island from Woodgrove mall. I would expect the private land owner is interested in the income.”

4) A member just emailed me about a new dramatic series on PBS about a solar storm. It is called COBRA and it started on Sunday. Here is the schedule the member sent.
Shaw Ch. 87 WTVS 7PM (Sun.) & 11PM (Sun.)
and Ch. 204 PBS 10PM (Sun.) & 4PM (Mon.)

Sign Petition – https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-2729
e-2729 Accommodate environmental sensitivities (closes October 19, 2020)
Petition to the Government of Canada
- Environmental Sensitivities (ES) is the umbrella term for disabling Environmental Illness (EI), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, and Toxic Mould Exposure (also known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) and mould illness), and others;
- Approximately 3% of Canadians have been diagnosed with EI/ES in 2007;
- 1,008,400 Canadians were diagnosed with MCS in 2016, according to the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS);
- Many who develop EI/ES cannot maintain employment, nor access suitable nontoxic housing, air, food, water, clothing, assistive devices (i.e. organic bed, air filtration/ventilation, EMF tools), health care, telehealth, or other basic necessities due to systemic accessibility barriers; and
- Government and medical forms do not contain a diagnostic or billing fee code for these conditions, or include mention in lists of disabilities, despite the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) recognition, so many people completely fall through every crack and cannot access any of the assistance that is granted to other Canadians who fall ill or live with a disability.
We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:
1. Create an international classification of disease designation code in Canada for environmental sensitivities so that those affected may have access to medical care;
2. Include environmental sensitivities as a disability that must be accommodated on all relevant documents and forms in governmental departments and organizations that minister social assistance, housing, medical, and other public services; and
3. Ensure all indoor public spaces are declared scent and fragrance-free.
Open for signature
July 21, 2020, at 12:09 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
October 19, 2020, at 12:09 p.m. (EDT)
Green Party Caucus
British Columbia
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” Isaac Asimov