1) TIME SENSITIVE — A VERY IMPORTANT ZOOM PESENTATION TOMORROW — THURSDAY AT 4:45pm PT. I will find out if there will be a recording made to share with those unable to participate live.
(click on photos to enlarge)

EVENT: 5G: 5G Action Training – How to Keep 5G Out of Your Neighborhood
Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 7:45pm – 9pm ET
Public · Hosted by Americans for Responsible Technology
Online Event
This Thursday at 7:45pm EST, hear from activists in New York and Connecticut about how to effectively keep 5G cell towers off your front lawn.
Here’s who will be presenting during the call:
1) Paska Nayden, the Founder of Connecticut Residents for Responsible Technology, who made national news working with legislators to create a moratorium on 5G in nearby Easton, CT.
2) Eliza Pertz, who with very few individuals by her side, and some clever strategies, is making tremendous inroads in Larchmont, NY and Mamaroneck, NY to keep 5G antennas away from sensitive areas.
3) Ruth Moss, the Founder of 5G Alert Westchester, will discuss her experiences working with the City of White Plains and how to get local legislators to adopt protective local 5G laws.
After Paska, Eliza, and Ruth make a short presentation, you’ll have time to ask questions. Be there!
**Join the meeting via Zoom using the following credentials:
Meeting ID: 872 6259 7414
Passcode: 994632
If the Zoom room reaches capacity and you are unable to log on, please view a live stream of the event on 5G Alert Westchester’s Facebook Page:
2) Dr. Joel Moskowitz’s presentation at the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Ground Rounds, University of California, Sept. 24. He speaks about research on biological/health effects caused by exposure to EMR from various wireless devices and research on 5G.
Radio Frequency Radiation Health Risks: Implications for 5G
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmBgRw3YLS0&feature=youtu.be (51 min.)
3) Kate Kheel, organizer of Stop 5G International, has asked if any of you have photos you’d like to share of your event to send them to webmaster at: tom@stop5ginternational.org
4 ) Two days of terrific rallies in Winnipeg by 5G Winnipeg Awareness. This from Marg Friesen:
“To mark the Sept. 26, 2020 4th Global 5G Protest, 5G Winnipeg Awareness held two events — a march through downtown Winnipeg to deliver messages to telecoms and Manitoba Hydro on Sept. 25 and a rally at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights the following day. This clip is from the Sept. 26th rally at the museum.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8vC0GqlrDs (48:24 min.)
We Will Not be Kept in the Dark.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4npmCaw5a8 (8:24 min.)

from: https://www.change.org/p/qualicum-beach-mayor-and-council-better-service-yes-near-schools-and-homes-no
From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
To: qbcouncil@qualicumbeach.com, mayor@qualicumbeach.com, “Teunis Westbroek” <twestbroek@qualicumbeach.com>, “Adam Walker” <awalker@qualicumbeach.com>, “Derrick Grimmer..Lynne Brookes” <rppsolar@yahoo.com>, “Scott Harrison” <sharrison@qualicumbeach.com>, “Gord.Johns@parl.gc.ca” <gord.johns@parl.gc.ca>, “Minister of Municipal Affairs” <MAH.minister@gov.bc.ca>, “Dan Sailland” <dsailland@qualicumbeach.com>, hsvensen@qualicumbeach.com, “Luke Sales” <LSales@qualicumbeach.com>, “Regional Director (IC)” <Bernie.Ries@canada.ca>, filmer@qualicumbeach.com
Re: TELUS Cell Tower
Dear Mayor Wiese and Councillors,
Science tells us that all life depends on frequency, without it there would be no life, for us, nor any other living organism. What happens when this delicate natural balance is overpowered, by powerful man-made radio frequency radiation?
If you value your life, and the life of your loved ones, you might want to see what physicists, biologists and doctors say on this subject.
This science presentation is loaded with information, that I am certain, none of you are aware of. For Councillor Filmer, who not long ago was sitting in a classroom, the section on physics might be easier to understand, than those of you, whose school days are in the distant past, but I do hope, that all of you will see this as an opportunity to increase you knowledge of science, especially since it informs of cell towers and frequency.
Starting at the beginning of natural background radiation of Earth, to research on bees, birds & plants, interviews with physicists, engineers and doctors, medical research, cancer clusters & cell towers, electro-sensitive people and tests, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP), effects on the environment, etc.
In the latter half of this presentation you will meet S.A.M., the anthropomorphic mannequin, which according to the telecom industry, is supposed to represent you, your wife, or your child. You will be shocked, when you learn about this liquid filled individual.
Keep in mind, this production was made when 4G was looming on the horizon. Today we are facing 5G, which will involve 100,000 satellites orbiting at low altitude. Jeff Besos alone, plans to put 40,000 satellites into orbit, blanketing every corner of Earth with pulse modulated, microwave radiation. That alone should make any nature lover bristle. 5G transmitters will be part of the proposed cell tower!
Anyone making decisions on cell towers should at least have fundamental knowledge of this subject, based on science, not personal opinion, formed by mass media and relentless lobby efforts and “war gaming” of science by telecom giants, driven purely by profit, like big tobacco before them.
Despite the fact, that cell towers emit unnatural radiofrequency radiation, at extreme levels, neither Mr. Brian Gregg, TELUS’s lobbyist, nor their engineer, had any knowledge of the natural frequency of Earth, when I spoke to them in person. They are peddling a product that is based 100% on frequency, but they are not knowledgeable of the science, regarding background radiation? Stunning, don’t you agree?
Resonance: Beings of Frequency (FULL MOVIE)
Please do take the time to watch this excellent science presentation, as without this knowledge, you are in no position to provide “Informed Consent”.
When purchasing a product, you can return it, when you learn of its flaws.
Kind regards.
Marcus Schluschen
Canadians for Safe Technology
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” Eleanor Roosevelt