1) Saturday (tomorrow) is 5G Global Protest Day. If for some reason you couldn’t organize an event in your community, it would be wonderful if you could do one before the winter weather hits. Any day is a good day to raise awareness. Please try to join an event planned. Your support is needed and appreciated.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Press Release September 26th – 5G GLOBAL PROTEST DAY A Call for Safe Technology, Not, 5G
A wonderful song by young people, “We say NO” as part of the 5G protest. We are protesting with them and for them for a future where they can enjoy a safer environment
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnoFCQEL2VU (58 seconds)
Winnipeg is holding a 2-day event for Global 5G Protest Day. The first was today and below is a description of what they did, sent in by Marg Friesen. Tomorrow is another event !!
“Today members and friends of 5G Winnipeg Awareness delivered letters to several locations in downtown Winnipeg. In the letters we state our objection and non-consent to the installation of 4G & 5G cell network antennas close to our homes and elsewhere. We also asked some questions in the letters.
Attached are the letters for federal Minister Bains who has final say on approvals of cell antennas, Manitoba Hydro who is involved with a telecommunications company and a small antenna pilot project in Winnipeg and TELUS who has not responded to the original letter we sent by email and regular mail on September 9th.
I hope people will join us for our event on Saturday, September 26th at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights where we will shine some light on this issue as it relates to human and environmental rights. For details visit our website: https://5gwinnipegawareness.ca

2) Before you go out to protest tomorrow, take a look at the 5G transmitters already activated. Some could be near you.
This link shows where 5G is commercially available. You can zoom right into a street location. In Victoria, there are 2 that appear to be at City Hall. By clicking on the number, e.g. 2 for Victoria, it shows what companies own them. Rogers and Telus each have 5G on public property in downtown Victoria.
3) Sorry but item 2 in last night’s update had an incorrect link to the article. The corrected link is below.
I just learned that medical doctors and health practitioners can earn CME credits by attending the EMR Medical Conference (virtually) Jan. 28-31, 2021. Most doctors have never received any education about EMR/EMF or the related illnesses or problems, e.g. EHS. This is a great opportunity for them to become educated which could help so many people. I hope you will consider printing off the attachment or forwarding the attachment to your family physician.
A member made the great suggestion that we should be writing to the newspapers in response to Dr. Henry’s great response to the pandemic that she and her BCCDC team attend this virtual conference. They could attend at their convenience and learn so much about EHS and EMR, both topics about which they know very little, if anything.
4) Space is getting crowded around earth, and when 1,000s more satellites are up there, things could become hazardous.
After 3 Recent Near Collisions, NASA Warns Space Junk is Getting Worse; FCC Approves More Satellites Anyway
“There have been three “high concern potential conjunctions” with space debris in the last two weeks alone, and the ISS has had to maneuver three times to avoid debris this year, NASA said.
Low Earth orbit is an orbital space junk yard, according to NASA. There are millions of pieces of matter flying around, and it ranges from pieces of space craft to parts of rockets and satellites that are out of commission.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Mechanization best serves mediocrity.” Frank Lloyd Wright